Chapter 37

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Chapter 37


I can’t help stepping up my gas from 60kmph to 80, over taking several cars in my way. The way my fingers dug in the steering wheel, hard and holding back the sudden fuming anger I felt. I irritatingly blew my car horn on the slow moving car as I drove off into another lane and easily pass it.

Parking swiftly, I get out of my car and glared at the tall gates displayed in front of me.

“Is Lisa Manoban here?” I ask one of the patrolling guard, gritting my teeth.

“May I know who are you?” he politely asked

I run my hair through my hair “Say this to her that I am Jennie Kim and I need to see her! Fast!”

He was a little bit shock and hesitant at first, nonetheless he got his walkie talkie and communicates with the other guards, after a second he went towards the gate and remotely operate it, the tall gates opened wide and I hurriedly sprinted towards her mansion.

I really can’t believe this!

“Ma’am this way..” one maid welcomed me and went upstairs, probably guide me to where that woman is in this big mansion of hers.

She opened the door of her library, I hurriedly strode inside and saw Lisa seating on her swivel chair.

I immediately went to her and gave her the papers Namjoon gave me a while ago

“What’s the meaning of this Lisa? Care to explain?”

She looked at the papers boringly as if it is just an ordinary contract of agreement. She licks her lip and leaned on her chair, then played with her mouth “It is your company’s contract of acquisition by SBH Company” and she that calmly! “What’s the problem?”

“Are you seriously asking me that?! Why all of a sudden Irene and Seulgi bought Namjoon’s firm?! They are our client!”

“Not anymore, your contract with them is already done and terminated last month…”

“I’m not asking you that, what I don’t understand is why are they suddenly acquired his firm?!"

She sighed and puts the paper on her table “You shouldn't talk to me about these things. It is Irene’s company. It is her that you should see..”

I raise a brow “Really? Yes it is her company but you, her cousin has a majority share and is part of its board! Don’t tell me after that talk that we had last time you suddenly came up with a decision to buy Namjoon’s firm to keep me away from him?”

That made her brows met, while I remain standing in front of her. She looked dangerous standing up with that feminine coat and slacks, putting her both hands on her slack’s pocket while leaning on her table, her eyes went into mine and she suppress a silly laugh “Did you really think I’ll be interested in buying your boss’s small company? And if ever I did have a slight interest Jennie, it will be under my company’s name, not Irene’s”

“Do you have something to do with this?” I cross my arms, she remain calm leaning on her table

“I told you I don't.” she suspiciously licks her lower lip and tap her fingers on the table.

“Is that the truth?” I squinted my eyes at her

“Yes. I don’t know why Irene and Seulgi did that, I just know your company offers quality and efficient professional accounting services compared to other firms here. Irene is aware of your skills and she wants you to succeed in your own and be independent, not under Kim Namjoon’s name..”

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