Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


Honks of cars in busy streets, the loud cheers of students, the wide green soccer field, a white jersey number 01, group of men sitting on a couch-toasting their own glass of wine, a masquerade ball, a young woman spilling her cup of soda on my head then came a young man grabbing her arm and handing me a white handkerchief, shiny marbled floor, painted cream walls with portraits of a blur image of a family, a dog, thunders of the rain, a party- a silver ring

I gasped for air, gulping the dryness of my throat as sweats continuously rolling down my neck. I scan my dim surroundings- I was laid in our bed and back again in our room, the curtain on the window beside was drawn half open, giving me the sight of the full moon above and the dark peaceful ocean.

I stand up from our bed to grab a glass of water in the kitchen, quenching my thirst and relaxing my slightly aching head. The house was in total dark, only the full moon peeking through our windows giving light

"Lisa?" I searched for her, she's nowhere inside and not beside me when I woke up


I went to our bathroom and she's not there, I walk through our bedroom and found her silhouette through our window sitting on the hammock in our garden, eyes were meters away gazing at the ocean. I look at the clock hanging on our wall, 8:09 pm.

Grabbing my coat and a blanket I went outside and proceed to our garden. My eyes focused on Lisa pondering on our hammock, with grey sweater and black sweatpants, bangs were flown on the side when the wind blows, her long eyelashes exceed the tip of her nosebridge and plump lips pursed in deep thought. The lights were in its perfect place, displaying Lisa's side profile as astonishing as the natural scenery of Jeju

I slowly walk towards her, stepping on the dried leaves, creating slight sounds that made her turn her head to me

"Jennie" she said, eyes now on me

"Hi" I seated beside her, my weight causing the hammock to move slightly.

"Are you okay? Is your head still aching?"

"Not anymore, what happened?" I asked, remembering what happened

"You fainted again" there was slight anger in her voice. I gulped and held softly her arm, indicating I was sorry for pushing myself to remember the young woman I met at Irene's shop "I'm sorry"

"It wasn't your fault don't be sorry. I'm just scared that's it. When Irene called you fainted again, I'm afraid you won't be able to remember anything anymore if you keep on pushing yourself to remember everything. I told you it will go back by itself"

I sighed "I know, I'm just desperate to know her, she seems to know me Lisa"

"You do know her" she admits

My eyes widened "Really?"

She nods "Yes but right now isn't the right time to know her. The doctor advised you should give your mind time to remember your memories by itself, if there's a chance you recall any fragments of your lost memories we can step up and meet those people you're close to or the people you know, but by now let yourself remember them first, don't push it" she answered

The wind blows as Lisa's words played in my mind, so I do know her, that woman. I closed my eyes, trying not to let my thoughts dig deeper or I'll faint again.

Lisa grabs the blanket on my lap and spread it on her shoulders, then extended it to me. She pulled me by the hand and leads my head on her shoulder, the view of the full moon embracing the wide ocean was right in front of us.

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