Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Marry me

The annoying sound of my morning alarm clock wake the shit out of me, I groaned tired and put my phone’s alarm off. Forced, I get up from my bed and did my usual morning routine. I sighed when I notice the evident eyebugs in my face, year end report and deadlines causing me to have overtime in our office and didn’t get enough of sleep.  I was lucky today I manage to have at least 3 hours, sometimes I spent 24 hours in the office. My body felt tired but I have to get up and work. I badly want to rest

I got my morning coffee and sits on my table to read newspaper, Kai was away in New York to visit his mom and will go back for the holidays and my birthday.

It’s kinda weird it was peaceful here in his apartment without him, maybe I was used to living alone and treat solitude as my own peace.

After my morning coffee I head to my office to do lots of works, the smell of file papers and reports, the noise inside my office cause me to throw up and felt dizzy, I held my forehead and realized my body temperature is quite high, maybe I got a slight fever.

“Ma’am Jennie are you okay?” one of my staffs asked concerned as I return to my workstation. “I’m fine, where’s your report? I need it now” I said and retuns to my computer.

Today I was scheduled to report to the audit committee, I got my needed files and went to the conference room. The airconditioning made me shiver though I’m wearing a business coat. I seated to my designated seat and wait for the other accountants to come.

In a minute they came and the meeting immediately started. Even with slight the fever and drowsiness I was lucky enough to answers all of their questions and inquiries, within an hour the meeting ended and I'm now heading to the cafeteria for lunch.

In my way to the company’s cafeteria, I dropped by the pharmacy to buy medicine for my fever.

I was paying at the cashier when my eyes caught that familiar tall blonde woman in the entrance of our company. My eyes squinted and realized it was Park Chaeyoung, Lisa’s friend. She was accompanied by a woman in a suit I assumed was her secretary, then right behind her was the least person I was expecting to see in here

What in the earth is she doing here?

My eyes didn’t slip how Chaeyoung wrap her arm around Lisa’s. Lisa is wearing her work uniform, a feminine tux and her hair is in a clean ponytail. I almost didn’t recognize her in that kind of set up,  she looks more mature, gorgeous and stunning.

They were walkting together and she said something to Chaeyoung and laugh before they ascend to the elevator along with their secretary.

I heave deep breathe when they got out of my sight, I didn’t know I was holding it the moment I see her


What is she doing here?

“Ma’am excuse me here is your medicine” I was taken back by the pharmacist. I apologized and  immediately paid.

I was waiting and pressing for the elevator to go down and return to my office. My appetite was lost and I have gotten the urge to come up and find out what is she doing here.

What do you mean by that Jennie. Her affairs here is none of your business

I groaned when I felt my head throb, the elevator was already in  the second floor and a moment after it finally opened in front of me. I was shocked and surprised when I saw Lisa inside of it, her eyes went direct to me and I feel like a statue in front of her, I wasn’t able to move and my eyes stuck staring at those beautiful brown eyes she has.

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