part 4

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I apologize for cursing and spelling mistakes or bad grammar anyway back to the story lol.

You put all of the things in your cupboard and went to bed. You woke up at 5 in the morning by an annoying alarm clock. You got out of bed and went to gym. Funny enough you noticed Namjoon siting on one of the chairs watching you gym. You practiced extra hard knowing he'll be impressed. After you gymed, you went outside and took a sip of water before walking home. When you arived at home you took a shower that lasted about 1 hour. You washed your hair, face and body with sooo many diffrant sopes and hair/body care liquids. You got out the shower and it was now 10am. You went to the kitchen and grabbed 2 sandwiches and took small bites. You watched some news on the TV. "Reporting live now. Bulletproof boy scouts also known as BTS was caught at a club last night. However the leader, Kim Namjoon  was not there. The other members had said he was strictly on business." The woman reporter said and you quickly put the tv off. You walked to your room and smoked a cigarette while playing video games. After that you checked your phone and it was 4.30pm. Your eyes were wide knowing that time went past so fast. You went for a quick nap and woke up at 7pm on the dot. You jumped up. Got dressed and brushed your teath. It was currently 8pm. You took your phone and called for an uber. The uber arived 10 minutes later and you had 1 hour and 20 minutes to get there. It was a 1 hour drive so you were in a hurry to not be late. You arrived 1 hour later and saw 6 boys standing outside. You greated them and asked where Namjoon is. They said he'd be here any minute and you guys started talking "hi im kim soekjin, just call me jin". "min yoongi is the name, just call me.." he was inturupted by a boy beside him that said "just call him lil meow meow. Hahahaha". The person that said he was Yoongi started to blush. "Just call me lil meow meow or suga" he said. "im your hope. Your my hope, im J-hope" said another "my name is park jimin. You can call me jimin" said another. "Kim taehyun. Just call me tae or V" said the one that made yoongi.. well lil meow meow blush. "Last but not least, me, hi im joen jungkook, just call me kookie, jk or jungkook" they all smiled. "Hi all of you, my name is Lee Y/N. I guess you can just call me Puppy since im use to it" you smiled and felt a hand on your waist. They all looked back and stopped smiling. You swung around only to find Namjoon was standing there and holding your fine pale waist whith his big veiny hands. That gave you butterflies. "My name is Kim Namjoon. Just  call me joonie, RM, rapmon, rapmonster or just namjoon." He smiled and you smiled back. He let go of you and walked towards the other members. "So, do you have any weapons on you?" He asked. "Uh yeah, a loaded handgun, pocketknife and a normal knife." Namjoon looked at you and told you to give it to him. "Give the weapons to me puppy. You could hurt yourself since you are not trained to use those things yet." He said with a soft tone.  "Bull shit. I know how to handel a knife and a gun. I even have my gun license." They all stared at you and looked like they were about to run off. "Dang. I didn't get my license till i was like 20" said Taehyung. You gave a lil giggle. "So whats ganna happen now?" You asked. "Well, i - we thought of training you so long." Said Jimin. "Yeah" said the others agreeing. Namjoon grabbed your wrist and dragged you to a large room. A shooting room. You looked all over the place. Shocked. "Take out your handgun and show us what you got. We just want to see how mutch we need to train you." Said Jin and he pointed to a big circle board with a little dot in the middle.  You took your handgun out and aimed. You gave 2 shots and watched as their eyes went wider. You hit the dot twice. You smiled and took the knife out. You aimed and threw it accros the room and it flew straight into the dot. "Is that enough proof?" You asked and Namjoon looked down at his shoes. "Well yeah. Your the best female I've ever seen in real life. Do you even need training?" Said jungkook and laughed. You checked your phone and....

Y/N and her mafia "friends" 4837Where stories live. Discover now