part 23

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You smiled and the 9 of you pointed towards the door. It opened and you started shooting. Namjoons sister smiled and you smiled back. The 4 gaurds were dead. Now all thats left is the other 8 guards and the boss. "Namjoon, you guys take down the 8 gaurds.. leave the boss to me." You said and Namjoon nodded. You went into the room and you all grabed a guy and started shooting. You walked to the boss and shot him once in the arm. He didn't have a gun so you put your gun away to have some fun. You kicked your foot up and kicked him right on the jaw. Oof. You took out a knife when you saw he also had one. He threw the knife at you. The whole place went silent and looked at you. You looked down at your side and there was the knife. Pierced into your skin. You janked in out and threw it at the boss hitting him right in the eye. Everyone went back to fighting and you threw your knife at the boss piercing his lungs. You took out a sharp blade thing and threw that at him piercing his heart. The blood flowed out and he dropped down on the floor. You kicked him in the stomach letting the last bit of air out his lungs. You took the knifes and blade out his body and shuved it in your pocket and took the gun out. You shot the remaining 2 in the head and wached as the blood stained the white walls. You fell down on your knees holding your wound. Yoongi picked you up and rushed to the car. You all got in and rushed to the hospital.  You all went in and the doctors assisted Yoongi to the operation table. Yoongi put you down and went out. They all waited for about what felt like 500 million hours but it was only 54min. The doctor came out. "Is any of you Y/Ns husband or boyfriend... even brother would help?" Asked the doctor and Yoongi got up. "Im her boyfriend." Said Yoongi and walked into a room with the doctor. "So i got some good news and bad news. The bad news is that Y/N has lost a lot of blood. The good news is shes pregnant and if any of you have her blood type type B positive then you can donate and save her and the baby." Said the doctor. "Preg- I have her blood type. Take my blood." Said Yoongi and followed the doctor to the table where Y/N was on. He stuck a needle in Yoongi and the needle had a llooonnggg tube that led to a bag where the blood goes then into another tube going into Y/Ns main vein. The tubes and bag filled with blood. The doctor was done and told Yoongi to wait outside the room. He went out and sat on a chair. Jin passed him a bottle of water which he finished in under 10 seconds.  You all waited for atleast 1 hour before the doctor came out. You all jumped up and looked at the doctor. The doctor smiled and everyone gave out a relieved sigh. "Sir. You may go in." Said the doctor looking at Yoongi. Yoongi went in and saw you on the bed. He ran to you and hugged you. Not too tight. Just a soft hug. A while after the doctor came in and said you are ready to go. You guys left and went home. You arrived and Yoongi got you a glass of water. "Thanks Yoongi." You said and he smiled like a kid that heard its a public holiday tomorrow. It was past 9pm and you all went to your sleeping places. Namjoons sister Kyungmin slept on the couch lol. The next morning you got up and got dressed and you all went back to the stadium. There were big lights around the stadium. The boys went on stage and you, mike and kyungmin went to your seats. You felt a light tap on your shoulder and when you turned around you saw⊙.. the guy that was in the music video... you think his name was. Bang tan.. bang.. BangChan yes BangChan. "Hello... can i help you?" You asked and looked at him. "Well no. But I'm one of Yoongis friends. I want you to give this to him. Please." He said and passed you a note. "Oh right, you are Bang Christopher Chan. I will give this to him after the show." You said and took the note from him. "Thank you." He said and smiled. You turned around and continued watching the performance. After a while you had to go to the bathroom. "I got to go to the bathroom quick. I'll be back in 10 minutes." You said to Kyungmin and mike.

Hows it so far lol?

Y/N and her mafia "friends" 4837Where stories live. Discover now