part 13

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You looked at the 6 boys in the kitchen and saw they didn't hear a word. "Oii, i need to visit someone in the hospital. Shes one of your fans. Do you guys mind coming with?" You said and hoped your plan would work. "Sure. Grab your things and lets go." Yoongi said smiling bcz he heard what the reporter said a few seconds ago. Everyine got in and you drove to the hospital. They had to disguise bcz of all the fans outside. You guys walked in and you whispered to the nurse at the table. "Hello, we are here for the girl that wished to see bts. Yeh the one that got hit by the bus." You whispered. "Sure, her room is number 34." The nurse said and you turned around and all of you walked to the room. You knocked and her mom opened up. You steped inside and looked the girl in the eyes and smiled. The boys stepped inside too and closed the door behind them. "Aneyong." (Hi)The girl said looking confused. The boys took their disguises of and the girl bursted out in tears. "Oh my goodneess its really them... kim namjoon, kim soekjin, min yoongi, hyung hosoek, park jimin, kim taehyun and jeon jungkook. My wish came true.." she said excitedly with her eyes looking like the whole galaxy. The boys leaned in and hugged her. They smiled at her and she passed out. You guys started giggling. "Hahaha fangirl" her mom said as she smiled at us. The boys put their disguises back on and you guys left. Namjoon put his necklace on the girls bed, in her hands. You all got back in the car and you drove back home. You all walked in the house and took the disguises off. "Well that was fun." Jin said and you all bursted out laughing. You sat on the couch and watched some of bts music videos on the TV. They were busy in the kitchen and Jason and Yumeko were outside. Suddenly you noticed something strange in one of the MV's...

Oooooo noooooo

Y/N and her mafia "friends" 4837Where stories live. Discover now