part 26

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He got no response and looked up to see the 2 standing face to face with a HUGE male mountain lion. "Oh, i see." Said Yoongi and froze. He slowly walked to the lion and reached out his hand. The lion growled and looked at Yoongi. Yoongi looked past the mountain lion and saw 2 beautiful cubs. "We wont hurt you or your cubs. But if you hurt one of us. We are going to kill you and take the cubs home." Said Yoongi in a cold tone. The mountain lion pulled its ears back in a forgiving way. Yoongi went closer and stroked the lion. He looked at BangChan and he nodded. BangChan whispered something into Felixs ear. Suddenly Yoongi ripped out a rope and put it on the mountain lions mouth like a mussel. Felix and BangChan ran towards the lion and took ropes out tying her paws together. "Hey. Its oky. We are going to gove you a nice home. Remember about what i told you. Do it for your cubs sake." Said Yoongi and stroked the lions head. Yoongi and BangChan picked her up and walked towards the car. Felix was carrying the 2 cubs.they put them in the car and drove to StrayKids apartment. They carried the cubs and her mom in and the other members just stood there with wide eyes and open mouths. BangChan had a huge cage and he put the mom in there and the cubs in a individual cage. The cubs looked at their mom. She was not happy. She was laying in the corner of the cage. The corner nearest to her kids. A tear fell from her eyes. She just layed there staring at her cubs. "What the hell!? Are you guys stupid. The poor cubs. The poor mother. Dont you guys have brains?? Huh?" Yelled Hyunjin looking at them then at the cubs and their mother. A tear fell from Hyunjins face as he remembered that he did the same thing to cats when he was 13. But thats over now. He hates seeing them like this. He whipped the tear away and left. He sat on Felixs bed. "Ugg. Its just stupid mountain lions." He mumbled to himself. There was a knock on the froont door and Yoongi opened. Oh no. It was the cops. "Sir. Is BangChan Yoongi and Felix here?" The officer asked. "Yes. Im Yoongi. Thats BangChan and thats Felix." Said Yoongi. The 4 cops came in and tied Yoongis BangChans and felixes hands behind their back. "You guys are under arrest for tress pacing the 183mall." The one cop said and they dragged them outside. "Noo i have to tell Y/N!!!!!!" Yelled Yoongi in the scariest low cold tone hes ever yelled in. "Girlfriend? " asked the one cop. "Its none of your f ing business. Stupid cop." Said Yoongi still in a low cold tone. "Oky then. Can i get her number to call?" Asked the cop and took out a pen and paper. "No but you can call Namjoon. His number is 0#########. Tell him im cuffed again!" Said Yoongi in an ice cold tone. The police typed in the number and called it.
Cop: "Hello. Sir. Its the cops here."
Namjoon: "aish. What did Yoongi do this time?"
Cop: "oh so its not his first time. Anyway. Min Yoongi is being arrested for trespassing into private property and damaging private property followed by Bang Christopher Chan and Lee Felix. I'm sorry to say."
Namjoon: "aggg not again. Thanks oficer. Where are you guys may i ask?"
Cop: "at BangChans apartment."
Namjoon: "stay there. Im coming."
The call ended
"Y/N, wait here with the others. I'll be back in an hour or so." Said Namjoon grabbing the car keys and leaving. You nodded and went to Yoongis room. Meanwhile with Namjoon. He drove as fast as he could to Chans apartment. He stopped there, got out and saw the cops there with Yoongi Can and Felix cuffed. "Agg." Namjoon growled out and walked towards Yoongi. Namjoon gave him a hard slap over the head. "Ouch. What was that for?" Said Yoongi looking at Namjoon. "For not telling me where your going and then trespassing and on top of that. Ooooo lets vandalise private property while we are at it. Dumbass!!" Yelled Namjoon and Yoongi looked down and moved backwards like a sad kitten. "Oh Yoongi. Im sorry. Just.... really." Said Namjoon and cupped Yoongis face in his hands. He gave Yoongi a tight hug.


Y/N and her mafia "friends" 4837Where stories live. Discover now