part 29

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Said Yoongi and froze. "Agg im so fed up with your bull shit!!" Yelled Namjoon before turning around and going to his room. "Fucking idiot!!" You yelled and tears started flowing. "Y/N... i am sorry." Said Yoongi with his head down. You turned around and walked to the couch where Kyungmin was sitting. You sat down next to her and covered your face with the palms of your hands. "You'll be oky Y/N." She said in her calm relaxed voice. Yoongis phone vibrated. He took it out of his pocket and saw someone was calling him. "Its Chan." He said. "Don't you dare answer that!!" You yelled at him. He put the phone back in his pocket and looked at you. He looked away and went to his room. He took his phone out and sent Chan a message.

Yoongi: whats up Chan?
Chan: It turns out the lions are house friendly. They dont bite. Yes i let em out the cage.
Yoongi: Thats great. As soon as the cubs can leave the mom im taking her.
Chan: no problem. Anyway i gtg. Bye hyung!!♡
Yoongi: thanks. Bye Chan!!♡♡

Yoongi put his phone on the light stand and turned the light off before walking out of the room. He sat next to you and pulled you into the heat of his embrace. You fell asleep and he picked you up to put you in bed. The next day he got a mesage from BangChan.

Chan: dude i got great news.

"Aish." He said.

Chan: dude i got great news.
Yoongi: what is it?
Chan: the cubs can leave. You can come pick her up.
Yoongi: I'll ask Mike if he can. Im kind of on time out. Cant go anywhere.
Chan: oh well good luck.
Yoongi: thanks.

Yoongi got up and went to the kitchen. Mike and Namjoon was there. "Hey Mike. You going to the shop later?" Asked Yoongi. "No but is there anything you need? I'll go get it." Said Mike grabbing the car keys. "Can you go get a great dane collar/body band thing. Like a leash?" Asked Yoongi whispering to Mike. "Yeah what yiu need that for?" Said Mike confused. "Just get it. And there is a package youmust pick up at Chan's place. The address is ###lane the big white apartment. Room number ##. Thanks man." Said Yoongi patting on his shoulder handing him money. Mike went out and got in the car. He drove to the mall and went to the pet shop. He bought the leash and 2 bags of marshmallow sweets for him and Yoongi. He drove to the address and walked up the the door. He knocked and BangChan opened. "Oh hey. You must be Mike. Did you bring a leash?" Said Chan and Mike handed him the leash. A few seconds after, Chan came out with the lion. He walked to the car and put the lioness in. "Wh-" Mike started but got cut off. "Shes friendly dont worry." Said BangChan before turning around and going back inside. Mike got in the car very slowly. He stopped at the house and took her out of the car. He opened the door and saw everyones attention was now on him. Yoongi walked to him and took the leash from him. "Thanks pal." Said Yoongi and smiled before walking her in and closing the door. "What should we name her?" Said Yoongi and looked at everyone. The house was silent. "Oh yeah. She is human friendly. She is now part of the family. Y/N, meet your second child." Said Yoongi looking at everyone then at you. "You got arrested and now you have a fucking pet lion!?" Yelled Taehyung looking at Yoongi. "Fine. I'll kill her then." Said Yoongi looking sad. "Noo!! Release her back in the wild." You said looking proud. "Ug fine." Said Yoongi. You walked to the bedroom followed by Yoongi and miss lioness. You got in bed and put on a movie. He got in bed next to you, pulling you into his arms. He held you tightly. But comfortable tight. You scooched closer to him and he gave a soft grunt. "Y/N. Dont move. Please." He said holding you tighter. Oops. You didn't realise what you just did. He put his one leg over your legs, still holding you. You moved your hand under the blanket and 'accidentally' touched his no no sqaure. He looked up at you. "You really want to do this huh kitten?" He said smirking. That evil smirk would make a demon fall in love with him.


Y/N and her mafia "friends" 4837Where stories live. Discover now