part 14

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You saw there was someone in the background. You could not make out who it was bc it was mostly blured. You paused. "Yoongi? Who is that?" You asked pointing the man out. "Oh thats a friend, i think its Christopher. Yeah. He was one of Namjoons friends. That year he signed up to be a backup dancer." Yoongi said while drinking some water. "Hmm interesting... well i want to go to the shop real quick. Where is my card?" You said while looking around looking for it. "Its in my underwear." Said yoongi putting his hand down his pants and bringing the card out. "Omw..." you started walking to him and grabbed it out his hands. "That touched his thing and you still decide to touch it?" Jin said with his eyes locked yoongis hands. You took your card and ran out the door. You jumped on one of the horses and ran to the shops. You bought nothing else but chocolate, milk, cigarettes and alcohol. You came back and barged into the kitchen with alot of bags. "So who drinks?" You said with a smirk. "Me!!" All of them shouted at the same time. "Well... it deepens what it is." Jungkook said and raised an eyebrow. " we've got Whiskey, vodka, gin, beer and jagermeister." You said looking in the plastic bag. "Well then ofc we drink." Jungkook said excitedly. "Oky then, tonight will be fun!" You said with a smirk on your face looking at Yoongi. He just smiled and carried on doing something in the fridge. You went to the living room sat on the couch and put the bags next to the table. You got your phone out and texted mike. You. Hey Mike, hows life? Mike. Oh its good, where are you? I've missed you, its really boring here. You. Oh I've been out with some friends, we are on business. Yeah. Mike. Oh that sounds nice, oh btw i have to go, my sister is having some trouble with feminine stuff and our parents are out. You. Oh oky well have fun, byyeee. You put your headphones on and started listening to 'boy with luv'. You started daydreaming of you magically growing wings and flying far far away. To an island near Hawaii. The water was so clear. You jumped in and swam with your wings spreaded and the water brushing through it. Suddenly a shark came towards you and you started screaming. You felt hands around your hips. "Hey, are you oky" the deep calming voice said. You snapped out of your daydream. "Oh i uh yeah... i had a bad daydream" you said looking at Yoongi who was holding you by your hips. "Y- Yoongi?" You stuttered. "What is it kitten?" Yoongi said but it sounded more like a whisper. "I'm thirsty." You grabbed a bottle of beer and opened it. "Your wild, i like wild, its my kind." Yoongi said half impressed as you were about to chug it down your throught. You stood up and tilted your head back and drank the beer. You felt your throught starting to burn but you egnored it. While you were downing the beer Yoongi stood up too and held your waist in his hands and you started moving your hips. You knew Yoongi was smirking. You turned on some amazing instrumental bass boosted music on. Now this is where the fun started. You gave a bottle of beer to everyone and went to the bathroom. Yoongi however did not follow you. You stripped and put  on some leather looking panties and a bra. You also put on the cat collar tail and ears. You looked at Yoongi and he looked at you. He smirked and opened the door for you. You went out and grabbed some more beer. "Now, don't worry about anything. Just drink it off" you said before drinking a whole glass of vodka. You shivered from the taste but loved it. Yoongi was sitting on the couch and the rest of the members were either in the kitchen or sitting on the livingroom floor. You walked to Yoongi and sat on his lap.


Y/N and her mafia "friends" 4837Where stories live. Discover now