part 35

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A few months later you were rushed to the hospital. The baby dicided that they are ready to see the light of day. Yoongi stayed with you through the birth, supporting you. You gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Her name was N/C (name choice.) She was beautiful and so small.

6 Years later.

"Mommy! I need mah school bag!" Yelled N/C from upstairs. "Ask Daddy!!." You were busy downstairs getting everything ready since it was N/C's first day of grade 1. You heared her talking to Yoongi upstairs and smiled to yourself. "Hunny. Your taking her to school. I don't think I'll make it." You said as soon as Yoongi and N/C came into the livingroom where u were standing. "Awh oky." Yoongi gave a pout as you kissed your daughter goodbye.

Later that afternoon you went to go pick her up. She got into the car and greated you. She didn't even give you chance to speak. "Hello mama. I had a great day. It was a bit scary but i made 0 friends so far but i dont care. Anyway the teacher is super cool. We played games and did activities. It was fun. We also learned what siblings are. Oh and i have a question for you and daddy when we get home. eeeek." She was so happy. "Wow slow down hun." Finally you two arrived at home. It was about 7 o'clock when Yoongi arrived at home.

"Daddy. I have to ask you and Mama a question!!" All 3 of you sat around the table bcz you were having dinner. Yoongi looked at her and she asked. "Can i have a... whats it called.. a.. a oh right. Can i have a sibling? Pleassee." You almost choked on your food and looked at her. "Are you sure?" You asked restiving a nod from her. You looked at Yoongi and saw he was smirking. He started speaking. "Alright then, but then you have to go to bed and you have to be patient to have one. They take long to make. So after your finished eating you have to go brush your teeth and go sleep." You smiled at his cute dad behaviour. "Oky daddy!! Thank you so muucchh!!" She started stuffing all the food down her throught and ran upstairs to brush her teeth.

"Good night mama and daddy!! Love you guys!!" She yelled from upstairs. "Night night, sleep tight. Dream of oli london tonight!!" You yelled and you heard her making a gagging sound. "Goodnight love!" Yelled Yoongi and helped you carry the dishes to the kitchen. Yoongi picked you up and placed you on the counter. "Yoongi." You tried to stop him but it didn't help. "Im doing this for our daughter. Relax." Yoongi kissed you collar bone and carried you to your room.

Yall know what happened next. !!BABY MAKING!!

YAY its the end of my booooook im so happpyyyyy
Oky so this was my first ever book. Im so happy rn.

I hope you guys enjoyed it. If not, please let me know whhyy and point out my mistakes!! I'm not going to ask you guys to vote bcz you dont have to. I just appreciate the reads and to me, thats all that counts. Please, if you need someone to talk to, I'm here. Just DM me and we can chat.
Anyway i spent a lot of time on this book, about 2-3 months, anyway. I hope you guys have fun reading other books T-T :'(
I might be writing a new book, its a taekook book lol. Anyway, Go stream Butter and Permission to ddaanncceee.
Have fun and STAY SAFE ARMY and... other peoples.

I recommend checking out ghostqueen23 's books, shes an awesome writer and inspires me a lot. Thats why I'm working on a taekook book rn and i don't like writing Y/N books because i dont like sexualising myself with idols its just weird. It's only for fans but yeah I'm never writing a Y/N book again.

Y/N and her mafia "friends" 4837Where stories live. Discover now