part 8

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He went outside and saw....yumeko was in another mans arms with him pointing a gun at her head. He had a mask on so Namjoon could not see him. "Step any closer and this little innocent life will end!" Said the man in a deep cringy tone. "GUYS... DONT COME OUTSIDE. BTS FORM A CIRCLE AROUND Y/N AND JASON AND TAKE YOUR GUNS OUT. DONT MOVE AFTER THAT OR COME OUTSIDE!!" Namjoon yelled. The whole lot formed a circle around Jason and Y/N. They took their guns out and pointed it to the doorway. Towanrds Namjoon. Namjoon looked at them and looked back at the guy. "Why do you want to do this to yumeko? What did she do to you? Hmmm?" Namjoon asked the man. "Oh I'll tell you. The crazy dog left me for that asshole in there. Im getting my revenge. Im so close to it hahaha. And im going to kill that bf of hers too. There will be blood spilling over the floor and staining the bricks." The phsyco said. "I just wish you had better hearing." Said Namjoon with a smirk on his face. Suddenly you grabbed the gun out of the mans hand and hit him on the head with is causing him to fall. "Thats what you get you son of a kidney stone!" You yelled and kicked him in the face. He moved and Namjoon got closer. "Lettem get up. Lettem get up" you stopped Namjoon. The guy got up and you kicked him in between his legs and threw him into the drive way. You got in the car as quick as possible and started reversing. You changed gear and stept on the gass and let go of the clutch. You drove over the man enjoying the asmr sound of crackling bones and screams from a human underneath these beautiful black car tiers. You drove and got out as soon as you realised you drove over him. You got out. Dragged his body into the house and put him on the kitchen counter. You removed his clothes with the pocket knife and cut of his.. you know what. You threw that in the bin. You felt everyone staring at you. You took the pocketknife and cut the guys body beginning by his throught all the way to his lower stomach. You started peeling his skin off. You threw his skin in the sink and threw the deskined body onto the floor. None of the members were stoping you so you carried on. You stood ontop of the deskined body and blood sprayed out of his body. You laughed like a psychopath and said the following leaving the members shook. "You never said who's blood would be spilling onto the floor dumb asshole!" You got off of him and took your boots of so you wont leave boot blood marks aalll over the floor. You walked to the couch and sat down. "So.... whats for dinner?" You asked looking at the deskined bloodless body on the floor. "Ahahah not human flesh" replied Yoongi. You all bursted out laughing. You all instantly stopped when you remembered about the body on the floor. "You said no to eating him but what about cooking him and feeding him to the stray dogs on the streets?" You said and smirked." Go for it Y/N" said yumeko and smiled. You picked the body up, put it back on the now bloody counter. You got out a huge butcher knife and put it next to the body. "Can someone help me quick?" You asked looking at Yoongi. "Agg fine" said yoongi and walked towards you. He held the mans neck and gave a strong powerful rip and ripped the guys head off. You put the head into a plastic bag and put it in your bag. You went back to the body and started cutting him up and taking his bones out... well his broken bones. After you took the bones out you took the huge butcher knife and chopped him up. After that you got a biigg pot out and put the meat in there. The others were busy cleaning up. You added some spice, salt, vegetables, sugar and olive oil. You stirred it and left it on heat number 6. It cooked for a while and you helped the other clean up and wash the floor. You scrubbed the floor with a brush. After a while you checked on the guy... to correct myself.. stew.. and it was all ready. You put the stove to 0 and took the pot off of the stove. You let the stew cool of and then you put it in a big container. "C'mon" you said walking out with the container. You opened the car boot and put the container in.

LMFAO. Anyway. NEXT!!

Y/N and her mafia "friends" 4837Where stories live. Discover now