part 24

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You went to the bathroom and pulled the note out. It said. 'Hey Yoongi. Its me BangChan, your old pal, well i wanted to ask if you can call me. I want to talk to you about something. Please call 0#########. Thanks dude♡.' You looked at it then stuffed it back in your pocket and went out.  You went back to Kyungmin and Mike. You locked your eyes on Jimin. He seemed to becomeba lil light headed. But that did not stop him from performing like a king. He looked at you and you smiled. He went back to looking at all the other fans then at his feet. It was a little while later. About 6 hours later they were finally done. You all have been here for about 8 hours. You ran backstage with Mike and Kyungmin short on your heels. You went straight to Jimin who was laying on the floor. "Jimin. Aish... did you sleep last night?" You asked looking at him on the floor. " not really." He said and looked everwhere except at you. You sighed. "How long did you sleep?" You asked. "Oh probably like 2 hours. I went to sleep at 3 and we all woke up at 5. Im sorry. I was busy rehearsing." He said and looked back at you. "Tonight you will sleep at 8.. or atleast before 9. Oky." You said and helped him up. "Oky~ can we go home now." Said Jimin and looked at Namjoon who was busy combing his hair. "Yes. Lets go." Said Jin and picked his backpack and the car keys up. You all walked to the car as you suddenly locked eyes with BangChan. You took the note out and gave it to Yoongi and BangChan smiled. You all got in the car and Jin started driving. Fffiiinnaalllyyy you arrived at the house.You all got out and went in. You dropped yourself on the couch and sighed. Yoongi dropped himself down next to you. He took the note out and read it. He took his phone out and dialled the number while walking to the sliding door and going out. You followed him out but he didn't notice. You hid away so he would not see you. "Hey bud... I've been oky and u?..... yeah we are going to release a new song this year.....i dont know....yeah she might... yeah. So why did you want to tell me Chan?...i dont think so.. no i got a girl i need to give attention to. Sorry Chan.... bye bud. Chat tomorrow... bye." Said Yoongi.
BangChan pov.
"... hey how u been dude?... ahh its good. Are you guys releasing a new song?... this month?... is Y/N joining bts?... thats cool... I wondered when we can hangout. Can you hang while your in Slovenia?... Oh c'mon.... Nah its cool. Well i have to go. Bye bro." Said BangChan.
End of BangChan pov.
Yoongi walked back inside to find you wernt there. "Good boy." You said standing by the sliding door. He swung around and saw you. "Oh you were listening in?" Yoongi said half shook. You just said mhm and walked past him to get to the kitchen. He followed you and you walked to the fridge and got out a spriteu. LoL. You turned around and saw Yoongi. He looked sad. "Whats wrong. Yoongi?" You asked and closed the fridge to give him atention straight away. "I think... i have to go see Chan. Maby he needs me." Yoongi said looking down at his feet. "Fine. You can go tomorrow since its friday tomorrow and there is no concert tomorrow. K?" You said and gave him a hug and a wide smile. "Thanks Y/Nie!" He said and turned around and walked straight to his room taking out his phone to tell Chan. You gave a proud mom smile and got some noodles to eat. Your favourite. You checked the time and it was 8.24pm. You went to Jimins room to check if he was sleeping. He was. Good boy. You turned around and said goodnight to everyone and went to Yoongis room. "I need to go to the bathroom quick. I have to get dressed." You said and got your pj's out. You entered the bathroom and quickly put on your whanzi. You came out and Yoongi was not there. Where did he go. You thought to yourself. Suddenly you felt his hands from behind on your waist. You turned around to find a teared up Yoongi. "Its oky. Its oky Yoongi. You'll be oky." You said and hugged him tightly. "Y/N. You may say that now. Wait till tomorrow. You'll take those words back." He said.

Y/N and her mafia "friends" 4837Where stories live. Discover now