part 16

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You all got dressed and came out with your uniforms since you have to. Everybody came out except Taehyung and Jungkook. "What are those 2 doing?" You asked after like 20 min. You went to the door and listened. There was complete silence. You knocked. "Who is it?" Taehyung yelled. "Its me.. Y/N. Can i come in?" You answered. "N no." Jungkook said and it sounded like he was near Taehyung. "K well you have 10min to get out or I'll bardge in." You said while walking away. Finally after 7 min Taehyung came out with sweat dripping off his forehead and he had an unbuttoned shirt on. His belt was unbuckled and his eyes were droopy. "U good tae?" Namjoon asked from the kitchen. "Y-yeah... i hope Jungkooks butt is oky." Taehyung said with a droopy tone. There was complete silence when Taehyung was in the bathroom. "Ouch." You heard Jungkooks voice say from the bedroom. You went towards the open door and stepped inside. Jungkook was laying butt naked on the bed with his hands tied to the bed, him facing the ceiling. "Y/N. Kookie was bad and is now being punished. Go." Said Taehyungs voice behind you. So sudden. You swung around and ran out. Closing the door behind you. "I did not need to see that." You said with wide eyes. Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi laughed and Jimin just had a moment in a galaxy bcz he was not even looking at anyone or anything exept the veins on his hand. Typical. You started walking towards Namjoon humming a song of theirs. "When are you guys going back to the studio?" You asked looking at Jin "Oh probably like tomorrow." Jin answered and cleared his throught looking at Yoongi. "Oh right, um Y/N can you come with me quick?" Yoongi asked and raised an eyebrow at Jin.  "Sure" you said looking confused but followed Yoongi to your bed room. You 2 sat on the bed. "So we have a tour next week. We are going to drop you at your house the day we leave. We'll probably be back in like a month after the tour started. We are going to Slovenia to visit some fans and perform." Yoongi said looking serious. "Omw thats awesome!! I'll watch the whole tour with the other international fans on YouTube or dstv live!!" You said excitedly. "Oh Y/N, we won't  see eachother for a whole month." Yoongi said looking worried. "Its only one month. And you'll be so busy performing and practising you'll forget about me." You said and laughed. Yoongi however didn't look happy. "Whats wrong?" You asked. "What if something happens to you... then I'll never forgive myself." He said and looked at his sweaty hands. "Oii, im 17. Nothing has ever happened to me. I'll be fine. Don't worry." You said and smiled. He looked away then stood up from the bed and walked out the room. You followed him to the kitchen. "So~" Namjoon said while whipping off the counter. "It's settled. She is staying at her house for the SlovenTour." Yoongi said and you could hear a tint of annoyance in his voice. Jin nodded his head and took a broom to start sweeping. J-hope was in the living room cleaning the couches and the table. Jimin was still in his own world... or galaxy. "I wonder if i connect batalamos and shishi.... would it make batalamoshishi?" Jimin said still in his own world. "JIMIN!" You shouted and he snapped out of his galaxy. "Yes?" He said with wide eyes. "Your not connecting anything to make something new oky?" You said bcz the last time he tried he set the whole kitchen on fire with foam streaming out. "Fine." He said annoyed while looking away. "Hey Jimin?" "What?" "You still look good when you are annoyed." You giggled "so i have to go to the shops. Whos going with me?" You asked and looked at the boys. "Fine I'll go with" said Jimin and stood up. "Thanks Jiminie." You said and grabbed your wallet and Jimin. You walked out and got into the car. You were driving. You drove to the nearest mall and parked. You and Jimin got out and walked into the mall. "Want anything?" You asked. "No thanks. Well yes but i have my own money." Jimin said taking his wallet out. "Oh yeah. Your rich." You said sarcastically. You went into the Woolworths.

Y/N and her mafia "friends" 4837Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin