part 27

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⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠MENTIONS OF SUICIDE AND DRUGS AND MURDER!!!!!⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠

"Listen. I'll get you out of there. I promise." Whispered Namjoon into Yoongis ear so nobody would hear. "Aish. See you tomorrow. K?" Said Namjoon and the cops shoved them into the van. "Hey cop." Namjoon suddenly stopped one of them. "Hurt them and your dead. Do you read me?" Said Namjoon in a cold tone. "Y y yes sir." Said the cop and got in. They drove off and Namjoon got in his car. Hyunjin came to Namjoons car. "Dont worry. I'll get them out. Just stay here. Give me 12 hours and they'll be back." Said Namjoon and gave him a smile before driving off. Meanwhile With the 3 'prisoners'. "Ugg its cold in hherree!!" Said Chan tryna warm himself. "I should have stayed at home. Why did i go with you assholes." Said Felix in a deep voice tone. "Watch your language cutie." Said another prisoner that was in a sell next to them. It was a male. "Dont tell him what to do. Your not his mother. And not ours either." Said Yoongi in a harsh tone. "O o o we got one with an attitude." Said another prisoner. This was the male side of the prison so no females hheerree. Yoongi just growled. "Aye. Leave the new boys alone will ya." Said the most muscular prisoner there. "Hey guys. Dont be so feisty. We are sorry for being weird. We've been in here long enough to even become gay lol. Some of us havent seen woman in like years. So we became gay lol. So we are sorry for flirting. Its all we ever do bcz there is nothing to do here. So we just flirt." Said the man in a friendly calming way. "Ug i know. Its not my first time here." Said Yoongi. "Mine either. This is like my and Yoongis second house." Said BangChan looking at Yoongi. "Haha its my second time here." Said Felix in a tone that you can hear he is clearly uncomfortable. "Oh, right, my name is Jay Park. And what did you guys do to end up here?" Said the muscular guy. "My name is Bang Christopher Chan. Just call me Chan or Chris and I'm here for the same reason everytime. Trespassing and vandalism... 18 times." Said BangChan. Looking at Jay. "My name is Lee Felix. Oh the first time i was caught drug dealing. The second time which is now is bcz of trespassing and vandalism with Yoongi and Chan" said Felix also looking at Jay. "Ugg im Min Yoongi. Just call me Suga. And my first time was bcz i was trespassing into my own damn apartment. The second time was bcz i was caught trying to commit suicide. It failed tho. The next 6 times was also failed suicide atempts. And the next 9 times was bcz of vandalism and after that 5 properties were trespassed by me. And now im here bcz of trespassing and vandalism. So this is my 22 time. Why are you here Jay?" Said Yoongi looking at Jay. "Oh right. Its my 15th time here. 4 times was bcz i was drug dealing. Once was bcz i touched a girl inappropriately and she called the cops. 9 times were bcz i was in a gang. We rulled the streets until i pushed a little girl into a drain. It was an accident. I swear. Anyway the last time is now. I attacked a celebrity bcz he showed middle finger to my daughter. He ended up in hospital after i got through with him. LoL. So thats my story. Haha i really miss my girlfriend and daughter. I havent seen them in 18 months. They don't visit me anymore." Said Jay. "Oh thats bad. But life aint fair." Said Yoongi. "Yeah but I've tried to forget about them but its not easy. Anyway. Who are you guys? You look so.... familiar." Said Jay. "Yeah I'm from Bts. Chan and Felix is from skz." Said Yoongi. "Ooo popular. Anyway its late. You guys should get some sleep." Said Jay and winked at the 3. Yoongi just mhmed. Back with Namjoon and the others. Namjoon walked into the house and saw Y/N and the others in the kitchen. "Hes cuffed again." Said Namjoon disappointed as he walked in. The whole house was silent.

Y/N and her mafia "friends" 4837Where stories live. Discover now