part 17

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Jimin went into the electronic shop to buy some stuff to produce music with Yoongi. Jimin walked in and greated the cashier. Jimin went to the isle where the computers are. He took a look at all of the computers and stopped at one. "Wow, im taking this one home with me." Jimin walked to the cashier and bought 3 new phones for him, you and Yoongi. "Wow thanks ma'am." He said and before he turned around. "It's a pleasure Jimin." The cashier said. Jimin turned around. "Army?" He asked. "Yip. I've been one since bts debut." She smiled. "Yoh. Thanks army. Well i have to get back to the boys." Said Jimin and walked out greating her. Y/N had a grocery bag in her hand and car keys in the other. "C'mon." You said holding the bag and car keys. "Coming." Jimin said jogging to you. You two walked to the car. Before you could open the door someone put their hand on your sholder. You swung around only to find Yoongi. "Hey. What you doing here?" You asked looking at him. "Oh i was getting some.... cigarettes. Yeah." He said half unsure. You all got in the car and drove home. Jimin ofc gave you two your new phones. He went to his and j-hopes room and set up the laptop.
*Time skip* 4 days later.
"Y/N !!!!!" Yoongi shouted. "Yes!?" You shouted back. "We have 2h and 30min to get you home and go to the airport!!" He said running around. "Namjoon! My dads here!!" Shouted Yumeko. "Coming!" Replied Namjoon. They went out and Yumeko and Jason were gone after 10min. You all packed and got in the car. You sat on Yoongis lap bcz there was no space. You all drove towards your house. Finally you arived and all got out. "Well... see you guys next month.. i guess." You said with your head down and bags in your hand. "You will, defonatly." Said Jin and smiled. "Bye bye guys." You said and smiled. "Bye Y/N." They said and got back in the car. They drove off and a tear fell from your face. "Bye bts.." you said to yourself walking back into your hous. You got attacked by your mom with hugs and kisses. You greated her and put your bags in your room. You texted Mike and told him you are home. You told him you bought plane tickets to Slovenia and bts concert tickets. You asked him to go with and he was so down for it. Hes also one of their biggest fans. You put down your phone and ran to the bathroom bcz you suddenly felt noxious. You threw up and  ran straight to the shop and got a pregnancy tester. You tested and it was positive.
Wait here is a joke.
What does the 17 year old and the fetus inside her have in common?
They are both thinking. Oh no my moms ganna kill me.
You ran to her bedroom and got the tickets. You told your mom and ran to Mike's house to get him. You drove to the airport and you guys got on the same plain bts did. You and Mike sat in the back corner so bts dont spot you. Your probably thinking. Bts have private plains? How did you get on? Well Frank was the pilot so he let you two on and agreed not to tell bts. You all arived and sneacked out. You ran to the first person and told them you had to hire a car. They gave you a car and you and Mike drove to PEACE.KpopTick shop. You gave them the tickets and they gave you these fancy cards. It was to enter to watch the concert. You two drove to a hotel near the big stadium. "We'll sleep here till the tour is over. K?" You said looking around. "K no problem." Said mike also looking around. You both went to bed and slept. You two wernt hungry. U only ate a cup of noodles to keep the baby healthy. The next morning you woke up,got dressed and woke mike up. You made breakfast and you put it in for take away. "Lets go Mike." You said and grabbed the cards, keys, food, water, a knife for protection and your wallet. You two stormed out of the hotel and into the car. You two drove to the stadium and entered. "Wow thats a lot of fans." You said and gave the cards to the security. You had front row so they can easily spot you. They got on stage. "annyeonghaseyo bangtan sonyeondan-ibnida." They greated. You didn't focus on what they were doing. They sang a song that you remembered was called "Life goes on."

Ah the baby is Yoongis. Yoongi got her pregnant. Lucky lmao. Aannyyywaaayyy lets go ooonnn

Y/N and her mafia "friends" 4837Where stories live. Discover now