part 21

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And saw Taehyung. You told him to be quite and you both left the living room and you two went to Taehyungs room. It was a big room. He sat on his bed and told you to sit next to him. "Sorry Taehyung i cant." You said. "Why not?" He asked confused. "Yoongi." You said and looked at the floor. "Oh... right." He said half disappointed. "I have to get out of your room before he thinks im sus." You said and turned around. "Oky.." Taehyung said in a sad tone before jumping up and running past you like a kid that just found out where the sweets are hidden. He ran out and into Jungkooks room. "Oh Jungkook!!!" Taehyung said as he walked into Jungkooks room. You laughed and walked down the passage looking into all 7 rooms to see who sleeps where. At the end of the passage was Yoongis room. You knocked and heard a soft. 'Come in' from him. You went in and saw Yoongi was at a big table with all sorts of computers and sreens on it. He had his headphoned around his neck while he was typeing and playing around with all the buttons. "What you doing Yoongles."  You said while walking to his bed. His room was a mess but you loved it since you are messy too and now you know he wont complain if you are messy. "Um i dont know actually." He said and spinned around in his chair now facing you. "I was wondering if you'd like to stay here with us till the tour is over. Mike can stay too." Said Yoongi. "But there are only 7 rooms." You said and looked at the smirk on Yoongis face. "Well you sleep with me and Mike can sleep with Namjoon." Yoongi said and put his arms on his legs and held his own hands. "Ahh i think Mike will love this idea." You said and both of you laughed. You stopped laughing when you heard a knock. "Who is it." Said Yoongi in a deep low cold tone. "Oh i- its just me. Jimin. Are you alone in there? Can i come in?" Said Jimin. "I'm not alone and yes you can come in." Replied Yoongi and you two watched as the door went open. "Im so sorry to disturb. Um have you worked on the song yet?" Asked Jimin. "Yes Jimin i have. Whats wrong. You look so pale." Said Yoongi and you looked at him with a 'i agree he looks pale' look. "Oh its nothing. I have to go now." Jimin said but before he could walk out Yoongi grabbed his wrist. "How dare yu lie to me." Said Yoongi in a cold harsh tone that sent shivers down your spine and you saw Jimins body redacted to that aswel.  "Aye. Come sit on the bed and tell us whats wrong." You said and pat the seet next to you. He sat down and started speaking. "I saw him naked..... Yoongi.... i saw j-hope naked. Im shook. He was in his room getting dressed and i walked past his door and looked through they key hole. He was naked." Jimin said and got even more pale. "Oh dear. Whats wrong with him being naked?" You asked. "Y/N. He has my name tattooed on his v line." Said Jimin and looked at the ground. You looked at Yoongi. "Maby... maby.." you said trying not to scare him. "Ima go ask him about it." Said Jimin and jumped up. He walked out the room, down the hall and froze at j-hopes door. He knocked and heard a 'come in' from J-hope. He went in and saw J-hope in bed. "Oh hey J-hope.  I need to ask you something." Jimin Said and looked shy. "ofcorce. Come sit here." J-hope patted the bed and Jimin sat next to him. "So... please don't be mad but.... i saw you naked a few minutes ago.... and i saw my name on your v line.... why is it there?" Jimin said and watched as J-hope blushed. "I um... i kinda like you... i was scared you dont like me back so i cept it a secret. Im sorry Jiminie." Said J-hope and covered his face. "Its oky J-hope." Jimin said and swung his arms around J-hopes neck for a hug. Anyway back with the confused Yoongi and Y/N. You two looked at eachother confused and started laughing. "Well ima go check on them in a few min." Said Yoongi and you got up and both of you walked to Namjoon Jin and Mike in the kitchen. "So Mike. You two are staying with us for the rest of the tour. Y/N will sleep with me and you will sleep with Namjoo-"


Y/N and her mafia "friends" 4837Where stories live. Discover now