part 22

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You, Namjoon and Yoongi watched as Mike fainted and Jin caught him. Namjoon laughed and picked Mike up and went to his room to put Mike on his bed. "Fanboy." Said Yoongi and you all laughed. "oh shh-" you heard from Namjoons room. You ran over and saw he was texting someone. "Whats wrong Namjoon?" You asked and Yoongi magically appeared next to you. "Aahh get into your mafia clothes and get masks. Btw Y/N. Is Mike trained?" Said Namjoon and looked at you. "Yes he is. Ive seen him shoot and he deals with bullies at school. His father and he goes out on hunting trips so he is trained." You said and saw that Yoongi went to tell the other. "Good. Now go." Said Namjoon and woke Mike up to get him dressed. You went to Yoongis room and got dressed in his bathroom. You came out and everyone was ready including Mike. "Get wepons and meet me in the car." Ordered the leader and walked to the car. You all got guns, blades, chains, metal wipes, ropes, knifes, mini swords, glass bottles, water and metal poles. You all got in the car and Namjoon drove off as soon as the last door closed. "Guys. My little sister is in trouble. They have captured her and cept her as a prisoner. We need to go save her. She is also with the second strongest mafia gang and we might stand no chance since we are 3rd strongest so be prepared." Said Namjoon and cept his eyes on the road. You realized this was serious and you could hear the emotions in his voice and see it in his eyes and the way he was holding the steering weel. You loaded your gun and Yoongi looked at you. "You cant load it in the car. Are you crazy." Said Yoongi and looked at you. "Well if we arive there and they ambush us there is no time to load the gun. And yes i am crazy." You said and looked back at him pointing the gun down between your feet. You guys arrived at the place. It was a hhuuuggggeee abandoned mall in the middle of nowhere. Namjoon stopped and everyone loaded their guns and put silencers on them. They all looked at You and you nodded. You guys slowly approached the building. You looked through a window and saw a group of gaurds in the room. You moved to the next rooms window and looked inside. You could not believe your eyes. You saw a bunch of dead rotten bodies piled up in a pool of dried up blood. Namjoon looked through the window too and signalled to move on bcz his sister was not in the pile. You moved on and looked through the next window. You saw 3 guys around a table with 1 alive person on it. The 3 guys cuffed the guy to the table and he was laying on the table facing the ceiling with his legs and arms cuffed too the table legs. One of the 3 men had a knife in his hand.
Bit gory--》
He pulled the guy on the tables shirt up and placed the knife on his stomach. "What do bad boys get for swearing at us and trying to escape. Hhmm?" Asked the guy with the knife in his hand looking down at the guy on the table." A d death ss sentence." Said the man on the table and the guy with the knife just said mhm. The knife man rubbed the prisoner on the arm with his dirty bloody hands. He winked at the guy on the table and started moving the knife in a straight line cutting the victims stomach open. The 9 of you heard the man screaming in pain and saw the blood squirting out of his body. You looked at Yoongi and he was smirking. You looked back at the screaming guy. One of the other guys grabbed a hammer and gave it 2 swings. In The 3rd swing, the hammer hit the man on the head and it sunk into his skul as it bursted open. His body was now dead silent and his screams stopped. Literally dead silent. You moved on to the next room and saw the boss was there. You looked at Namjoon and he told you to move on. You moved to a room and saw his sister was there tied to a chair. Namjoon sofly broke the window open and she saw him. He signalled her to be silent and she pointed to a camera. He pointed the gun at the camera and shot it. He looked around and saw there were no other cameras. He climed through the window with you all following through. She started screaming to get the people to come.

Lol sorryyy

Y/N and her mafia "friends" 4837Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang