part 33

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You guys went to pay and said your goodbyes. You were still on Yoongis hip as you guys walked further through the mall. It was a whole 3 hours of exploring and buying. You guys were so exhausted that Taehyung carried Jungkook and and J-hope carried Jimin. Namjoon carried Jin and Mikes feet carried himself. "I wanna go home now." Whined Jungkook and made Taehyungs legs wobbly. "Lets go sit at a restaurant or something." You said and got off of Yoongi pointing towards 'Simply Asian.' You all walked there and got something to drink. It was about 40 minutes later. You guys payed and went to the car. You were driving this time since everyone was too tired. You all arrived at home and went straight to your rooms falling down on the beds. You all went for a short nap. Well short as in 3hour, 4 hours max. You woke up and the whole house was quiet. You got up and walked to the kitchen as soft as you could. You saw Namjoon and Jin about to  kiss but they spotted you. You ghasped and closed your mouth with your hands. "No!! Its not what you think!" Said Namjoon as quick as possible. You just stood there and slowly stepped back when you hit something. You turned around and it was J-hope. "Im sorry." You said and ran to Yoongis room. What was that? Were they about to kiss?? I have to ask them about it at dinner. Aish. Yoongi turned to you and opened one eye. "Hello baby." Said Yoongi in a deep morning voice tone and you nearly fell over. You looked at the mirror and saw you were a blushing mess. "Ah morning.. master." You said and he looked at you. "Ah baby. You look so gorgeous." He said teasing you. You felt something dripping out of your nose. You looked at the mirror and saw your nose was bleeding. "Ah Yoongi oppa, you made my nose bleed!!" You said running to the bathroom to get some tissues. You heard him getting up while laughing. "I'll be in the kitchen babe." He said and made your nosebleed worse. It finally stopped and you went to the kitchen. The food was ready. You took a plate and joined everyone else at the table. "Uh i have an announcement to make." Said Namjoon and looked at his fingers then at all of you. "Im dating someone.... that someone is.... Kim Soekjin." Namjoon started fiddling with his knife and looked at Jin. "Yeah and im dating Jungkook." Said Taehyung making Namjoon more comfortable. "Im dating J-hope." Said Jimin and Namjoon relaxed. "Im dating myself ahahaha." Said Mike sarcastically. "Oh about you. Me and Jin wanted to ask if you wanted a poly relationship with us?" Asked Namjoon and looked at Mike. "Why would i say no?" Whispered Mike loudly and everyone started laughing. "Well we have our last performance next week. We need to prepare for the song." Said Yoongi in a sleepy tone. Well... in a Yoongi tone .>♢<. "Mhm." Said everyone exept you and Mike. "How are you guys going to tell ARMY???" You spoke remembering the rule 'no dating.' "We wont tell them. They are going to have to find out themselves. They will find out. Dont worry." Said Namjoon and took his phone out. "Umm.. armys sorta already found out about me and Jungkook." Said Taehyung looking at Namjoon. "What?" Said Jin and looked at Taehyung. "Yeah... go on YouTube and search 'taekook' or 'vkook' then you'll see." Said Jungkook and hid his face away in his jacket. Namjoon searched it up and looked at one video. "I'm not even going to ask. You two- nevermind." Namjoon started but just left it. "Well since we all know whos dating who.... its going to be loud tonight." You said and looked at your food. "What do you mea- oooooohhh. Y/N you dirty minded girl!!" Said J-hope and looked at you. "How did you know what i ment hmmmm dirty minded boy?" You said teasing him. J-hope just sarcastically laughed before turning back to his food, stuffing it down his throught. "Wow, calm down, daddy. Its all yours." Said Jimin and knew what whas about to happen. J-hope sort of choked on his food and gave an emotionless stare  at Jimin. "You'll be punished for that, chicken~" Said J-hope teasing the little one. "Stop, squirrel." Said Jimin and saw as J-hope blushed.

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