Chapter 9

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Stephens POV

I had heard about missing Freya and I felt terrible for the others. They missed her so much and she had been missing for 6 weeks now. I could feel that something was wrong in the universe but I didn't have much time to think about it until I realized that yet again an Avenger was gone. First, it was Bruce, then it was Freya and now it was Thor. He had gone off and nobody knew why but something was off. I felt like something was going to go horribly wrong in a moment.

I had heard that the Avengers knew where Freya was but after an unsuccessful rescue attempt, they still had no idea who had her. I felt terrible for them because she was a very important part of their team and family but I did not know how to help her or the Avengers. "Doctor Strange, are you okay?" I heard one of the new sorcerous ask and I nodded.

"Yes I'm fine," I answered and smiled at them. They moved on and I went back to my reading and tried to think about how to help the Avengers. Freya was a very sweet and kind person and she didn't deserve to be in danger or scared or held anywhere. Next to nobody deserved to be in danger or scared.

Freya's POV

I shook on the bars on my cell and cried for help. I felt a lot more depressed than I had been over the last few weeks and I vaguely knew why. I was having strange mood swings and I still felt violently ill. I really wanted to go to sleep but I couldn't because of the dull ache in all of my muscles and bones. Every inch of me ached and it wasn't because of the daily 'training' sessions with Nebula.

Ever since that first session when Nebula had told me the big secret I was a better fighter because I wanted to protect the baby that could be inside me. I didn't believe her at first but as the weeks went by I had a feeling she was telling the truth. I didn't know any of the symptoms of pregnancy but there was definitely something happening within my body.

"Freya, We need to go train." I heard Nebula call out but I stayed clinging onto the bars to keep myself standing. Nebula saw me and paused for a moment. "What's wrong?" She asked and saw my discomfort.

"I probably sound weak but my whole body aches," I said in a quiet whisper. I didn't want her to think I was weak or a wimp but the constant ache really hurt. "I don't want to fight," I answered and slipped down to the floor with a small groan. Nebula's expression softened for a moment as she saw my aching body fall but it didn't last wrong.

"Too bad, Thanos wants you trained and prepared." She said and unlocked the cell.

"If Thanos wanted me to work for him, there are nicer ways that could actually work," I said and slowly stood up to follow her.

"Thanos doesn't care about being nice or effective. He does something the quickest and most painful way. And the pain is always someone else's." Nebula said I heard the tone of disdain in her voice.

"Are you alright?" I asked her and she nodded her head slowly.

"I have to be alright," She said then gained her scary and determined persona back. "Get a move on." She said and pushed me ahead of her. I followed her and wished she would just kill me instead of beating me up.

Time Jump

I sat on the cold metal floor of my cell and wept. "I wanna go home. I wanna go home!" I repeated and with every time I spoke my voice got louder until I was screaming to go home. Even though my throat was already sore, I screamed more and more making my throat even worse. Even though I knew this would not help me in any way, I begged to be taken home to my family. Even though I was probably never going to see my family again or at least not for ages, I thought of my poor Peter who had died and of the others who were probably worried sick about me. "I WANNA GO HOME!" I screamed one last time.

I took a few deep breaths hoping I could maybe calm myself but it was just not working. I laid down on my side and pulled my knees to my chest and wrapped one arm around my legs and the other hand was tangled in my hair. I tried to sleep but I knew sleep was not going to grace me with its presents tonight. 

Published: 6.9.2021

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