Chapter 18

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Freya's POV

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I saw someone I didn't even know but I assumed it was Rocket. "I've lost people too. I lost Quill, Gamora, Drax, Mantis and..." He said then took a deep breath, "And Groot." He muttered and I saw a single tear fall down his furry face.

"I'm so sorry," I said and tentatively put my arms around him. At first, he tensed up and he didn't move but he soon relaxed and hugged me back. "It's so hard and not fair," I said and cried.

"It would be one boring world if everything was fair." He said and we both chuckled slightly. In a way he was correct. "Who did you lose?" He asked and I sighed heavily. I wasn't sure how to tell him but I knew I had to at some point so why not now.

"My dad, for like the fourth time, and my boyfriend Peter," I said while resisting the urge to pet Rocket's ears. I didn't want to upset him or something by touching his ears. "My baby will never meet their father," I mumbled and he looked right into my eyes. His little nose twitched and it was adorable.

"You are..." He said and I nodded softly with tears in my eyes. "That's good." He said but it sounded like a question. I smiled and then we both stood up. "If you wanna talk about this stuff..." He said but I could tell he was uncertain, maybe even uncomfortable.

"Thank you Rocket, and same to you, but I think I should pack my stuff. I can't stay here without Peter." I said to him and he nodded in understanding. "Maybe you and I should go somewhere together. Like a roommate sort of thing." I suggested and he laughed.

"Yeah maybe," He said but his smile told me he liked the idea. "I'm gonna head back into the meeting. Will you be okay?" He said and I nodded.

"Take good care of Tasha Sigyn while I'm gone please," I said and he nodded. I felt he was going to keep her safe until I found somewhere else to live. He gave me an awkward smile before turning around and going back to the meeting as he said.

Steve's POV

"What just happened?" Rhodey asked and I shrugged. I was just as confused as everyone else after Freya's outburst and storm out. "What do we do now?" He asked and once again I shrugged. I didn't have any answers for anyone and that was obvious. I didn't know what to do and I was very very focused on Freya and if she was alright.

"We needed her to fight with Thanos," I said and looked at the way she had run. Rocket was coming back to us and he looked like he had news to tell. I couldn't help but wonder if it had something to do with Freya. "What did you do Rocket?" I asked him as he sat back down where he had sat before.

"I found out something about her." He said and sat down in his spot. We all looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to explain what it was. He got the idea and told us. "She's pregnant." He said and we all went wide-eyed.

"I'm sorry, What?" Rhodey asked and looked at us all. Tony and Nebula nodded and we all looked like this was the biggest shock ever, which it was. The idea that one of us Avengers was pregnant hadn't ever seemed like a thing that could happen. I thought of how Thor was and I looked at him. He was sitting there and I could tell that he was surprised under neither his glasses.

"When Nebula and I were coming home from Titan we asked Freya about it. She told us everything but she didn't want us to tell because she wasn't sure about having the child. Now that Peter is um....gone, she is scared and unsure about the child." Tony said and Nebula gave an agreeing nod.

"We should talk to her," I said and the others agreed with me. Whether Freya was done forever or just for now she was still family and she was still pregnant. We were going to help her and support her no matter her choice.

We all got up, even Nebula and Captain Marvel, and we headed to her room. I led the way and we arrived at her room. I knocked on the door and heard someone shuffling towards the door. "Hi," I said when Freya opened the door.

"Oh umm, hey. Sorry about yelling at you." She said but I pulled her into a hug. She hugged back and we stayed hugging for a moment. When she let go she smiled weakly, "I'm still done with everything. I need to protect..." She said but then stopped as if she didn't want us to know but we already did.

"We know that you're pregnant," I said and smiled brightly, "We are here if you need us," I said and Thor pushed his way to the front. Thor pushed past me and picked Freya up into a strong hug and she hugged back, soft tears falling down her face.

"I'm scared," Freya said when Thor put her down. Thor held onto Freya's shoulders and looked at her.

"If you need anything, and I mean anything, ask!" He said in a very firm but supportive way. Freya nodded and her eyes gleamed with tears.

"I need Peter, I need my father." She said in a shaky voice and cried some more. Thor went with her to the lounge and the rest of us headed back to our meeting room. While we discussed what to do next Thor stayed with Freya to comfort her and reassure her.

Freya's POV

I sat on my lounge and looked at my stomach, "This is insane," I whispered and felt my uncle's arm tighten around my shoulders. He said nothing as we sat and just looked at the wall ahead of us.

I couldn't stop thinking about how my child would grow up with no father and no grandparents. My baby wouldn't even have their great grandparents because they were also gone from our world. Yes my baby would have the avengers as family and Thor as their great uncle but I wished that my baby could have met the two men in my life that I had loved more than anything else in the world. I wished my baby could have met her absolutely fabulous grandmother but I knew that if my mother hadn't died then my baby would never have been made.

"What now?" I asked and Thor looked right into my eyes.

"You make a hard choice. You have about three options: 1. Keep the baby and tell them stories about their family and live happily together 2. Have an abortion and lose the baby or 3. have the child and put it up for adoption." Thor said in a supportive way but I knew what he would have preferred me to do. I nodded, knowing that I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did option 2 or 3. I knew some people did take those ways for many different reasons but I didn't want to. Besides, how would an adoptive family deal with a magic, half Midgardian, quarter Jotunheim and quarter Asgardian baby? Babies don't exactly come with handbooks to help the parents.

"Well I might need help with my baby," I said and Thor smiled softly.

"I would be happy to provide you with what you need when you need it," Thor said and I smiled. I am very lucky to have this family. I am so lucky to have support around me. I thought to myself which made me feel happy but also guilty. I hope all those people out there who end up in a similar situation get the support and care they need.

Published: 10.2.2022

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