Chapter 21

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Freya's POV

I'm exactly 39 weeks pregnant and I'm sick of it. I want to have my baby already and meet her. Nearly every day since the 30-week mark I had wanted my baby to just leave my body already but I had to wait. I had to wait until she was ready to come out. My baby was around the size of a watermelon apparently and I felt it. It did feel like a watermelon was stuck to my stomach and I was over it. What I didn't realise was that today would be a very big day.

I clambered ungracefully out of bed and waddled to the kitchen. I started cooking and made myself toast with scrambled eggs as it was an easy thing to make. I heard Mrs Stone, who was staying in my spare room until I gave birth and my baby was a few months old, get up and come into the kitchen too.

Mrs Stone walked into the kitchen and smiled at me. "How are you this morning? I see you attempting actual food today." She said and made herself some coffee.

"Yeah well let's see how long it stays down shall we." During the last few weeks, Mrs Stone had been helping me a lot. She was always there if I needed her for anything which I often did. I finished cooking and sat down at the bench with difficulty.

"Movie day?" She asked and I nodded.

"Movie day," I replied and we sat together in the lounge with blankets around us. We did this often as it was a comfortable distraction from what had happened recently. Plus we bonded a lot over the movies and it was nice to just spend time relaxing and not worrying too much.

We were halfway through our second movie when out of nowhere I got this horrible tightening sensation on my stomach. I whimpered softly but it went away rather quickly. I didn't think much of it until it happened again but stronger. "Are you okay Freya?" Mrs Stone asked and I shook my head softly.

"Yeah I'm okay," I replied and we went back to watching the movie. Over the last half hour of the movie I had two more tightening sensations in my stomach which confused me and also scared me.

"Freya? What's wrong?" Mrs Stone asked when the fourth tightening sensation hit me but harder. A lot harder.

"I think I'm having contractions but I don't know if they are Braxton Hicks contractions..." I said and whimpered softly when it happened again. "Or real." I finished once it went away again.

"Lets count them in case," She asked and I started to count the length of time each one went for.

"That was too long and too strong to be a Braxton Hicks contraction," I said and looked at her with fear in my eyes. "She's coming." I added and Mrs Stone quickly started getting stuff ready. I pulled out my phone and Mrs Stone got paper and pencil. She started timing and recording my contractions. When they got to ten minutes apart each lasting for a minute we started to leave the house.

"It's alright Freya, everything is going to be great. You'll finally have your daughter with you," Mrs Stone said and I nodded but I was still really scared. I was about to respond when another sensation hit me and I yelped.

Mrs Stone helped me to stand up and I noticed that where I had sat on the lounge was wet. My water had broken and I didn't even realise. "Let's go." I said and together Mrs Stone and I made it out of the house and into the car that over time Mrs Stone had figured out how to drive safely.

Mrs Stone was surprisingly calm during it all. She drove me to the hospital and by the time we got there my contractions were five minutes apart each lasting about a minute and a half.

I was put into a room and a doctor came to help me. We started the process and it was not fun. The doctors were yelling at me to push and I so badly wanted to yell at them "WHAT DO YOU THINK I'M DOING?" but I didn't have the energy. Mrs Stone held my hand and stroked my hair during everything which helped me.


After 5 hours of pushing I finally held my baby girl in my arms and smiled at her lovingly. My little girl had faint blue eyes with tiny swirls of green and the beginnings of brown hair. She weighed 3kg, was 19 inches long and she was adorable.

After the birth they had washed, dried and wrapped up my baby for me and had given her back. Right now I was waiting for Mrs Stone to enter the room to meet my baby. She had been in the room for the whole progress but had ducked out to call my friends to tell them everything.

When she came back in she looked super happy and she couldn't hide her smile. "Your friends are coming. A lady called Natasha nearly burst my eardrums when I told her," She said and I chuckled slightly. "How are you feeling?" Mrs Stone asked and I smiled at my daughter.

"Over the moon," I replied and kissed my daughter's forehead lightly.

Nat's POV

I ran around the Avengers compound finding the few things I needed. Freya had just had her daughter and I was going to be there as soon as I possibly could. Once I had everything ready I was straight in the car and calling Steve to be ready for me to pick him up.

"STEVE! Freya's had her baby!" I yelled into the phone as soon as he picked up.

"I know, a lady called Mrs Stone called me and told me." He said and I could hear his smile.

"I'm coming to pick you up. Be ready." I said before he could say anything else and I quickly hung up. I drove as fast as I legally could, maybe faster than I should have, to get him and drive to New Asgard to meet Freya and her little baby. 

Published: 9.4.2022

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