Chapter 29

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Sorry for the two big time skips in a row. I'm just not feeling that inspired right now. Let me know if you want me to do a chapter where i write about Gersemi's first word. Also, what do you think of her name? Is it too long?


A few years later
Freya's POV
Semi's first day of daycare is here and she is very nervous. She might pretend she isn't but I can tell she is because she is still. Normally Gersemi can't stop moving and she bounces around the house, unless she is reading.

When I woke her up she seemed happy and excited to start a new day. She came into the kitchen where I had her breakfast ready for her to eat. She climbed onto the seat and started nibbling at her food happily until she saw I had packed her a bag of spare clothes, a hat and a water bottle. She hopped off her seat and went to check the bag. "Mumma? What are you doing?" Gersemi asked me and peaked inside the bag. "Are we going somewhere?" She asked and pulled out her hat and looked at me awkwardly.

"I'm going to take you to daycare," I said and the look of pure horror almost made me laugh. I had mentioned daycare a few times to her and she had said no everytime I had asked her about going. Normally I would respect that but I needed to find a job and I also needed some time to myself to just hang out alone.

"Will you be there too?" She asked and I could tell she was starting to get nervous. Her once bouncy heels were no longer causing her to hop around the room.

"No, I'll drop you off and stay for a bit but then I need to go." I answered and she ran over to me and hugged my legs. "It's alright, I'll come back and get you after a few hours." I said and her grip tightened on my legs. I knelt on the floor, with difficulty considering she had a death grip on me, and hugged her. "You get to play all day with kids your age," I added, trying to make it more appealing to her. It didn't seem to work all that well considering she wasn't a big fan of other children.

"I don't want to be near kids all day," She mumbled and somehow tightened her grip on my legs.

I had to think of a different way to make preschool sound appealing to her. "You can learn new things and play outside with fun toys. You'll have lots of fun," I said and she looked a little happier about the learning part but she still seemed worried about it. I understood her fear and the reason behind it. Since she was three she has not had to worry about hiding her blueness because she barely left the house and when she did she had an illusion because she wanted to have one on. Everyone around us knew, or atleast believed because of her grandfather, that she would be at least partly Jotunhiem. Everyone just assumed she would be a frost giant decedent, which of course she was but she hadn't had to worry about it until now.

"What if the children are scary?" Semi asked and I wrapped my arms around her tightly. I knew what she meant and what she was thinking about to have to need to ask that question. She thought that the children would be scared of her not that she would be scared of the other children.

"Gersemi Petra Sigyn Frigga FreyaDottir. You are kind, beautiful and an awesome little girl, the other children will be so happy to have a friend like you. They will not fear you or be mean and if a child is rude to you then you go straight to one of the teachers and tell them okay," I said and Semi nodded softly. "I will only be gone for a few hours okay?" I asked and Semi once again nodded.

Time Jump

We arrived at the preschool and all was well. Gersemi had a special little toy that she was going to hold when she got scared or nervous. "You ready?" I questioned Gersemi and she nodded a little. "What do you do if you are scared?" I asked.

"I hold Pete," She answered and held up her toy.

"And if you get hurt or someone is mean?" I asked.

"I find a teacher and tell them," She answered.

"And when will I come get you?" I asked.

"At 2 O'clock," She answers and looks up at me.

"And who are you going to be like?" I asked her.

Gersmi turned to face me, "I'll be brave like Daddy," She answered and I smiled brightly.

"Of course you will," I said and kissed her forehead.

"Will you stay for a bit?" She asked and I agreed to stay for a little while. We walked in and we were greeted by lots of children and adults saying a happy 'Hello' to us. Gersemi instantly hid behind my leg and I smiled softly.

"Be brave," I whispered to her.

"Like Daddy," She whispered back and slowly walked into the room. I stayed for the next twenty minutes then left. I kissed her on the head and gave her one last hug then started to leave. The last I saw of her that morning was her snuggling her Toy Pete.

Time Jump

I was bored all day without Gersemi but it was what I needed. I had been so busy recently and I needed a break. I needed a mental health day as some people would call it. But when it came time to get Gersemi I rushed to collect her. I hurried into the preschool and saw Semi playing with a little boy. They were doing a puzzle together and they both looked to be focusing really hard on it.

"How was her day?" I asked the teacher named Miss Tora. Miss Tora had deep blue eyes that shone like gems. Her face was pale and she had dark brown, almost black, hair that she had tied up in a tight bun on the top of her head.

"She had a wonderful day. At first she was nervous but about 12 she started playing with Jack over there. They have been hanging out all day." Miss Tora said and smiled at them. "She didn't sleep but she spent about an hour sitting on her bed and playing with the toy she brought." Miss Tora said and turned back to face me. "It's not everyday you see a little girl clinging to a soft toy spider," She added with a small chuckle.

"Oh that toy is called Pete. It umm, spiders were important to her dad so now they are important to her," I said as simply as I could. I wasn't going to tell Miss Tora the whole story about Peter as it would be too long and sad to tell.

"I'll go get her for you," Miss Tora said and went to tell Semi that I was here. Gersemi saw me and the smile of a lifetime spread across her face.

"MUMMA!" She screamed and came running up to me. I knelt down and hugged her as tightly as I could. "I was brave mamma, I was brave," She said and I managed to stand up slowly so we wouldn't fall over.

"You were Semi, you were very brave," I said and chuckled softly. "You ready to go home," I said and she nodded frantically. "Did you say goodbye to the little boy?" I asked and She shook her head. She turned a bit so she was now facing the boy and she waved at him. He waved goodbye back with a big goofy smile. I picked up Semi's bag and we walked home. Gersemi couldn't stop telling me about what she did that day. Most of it she did alone but every now and then she would mention the little boy Jack and I couldn't help but smile.

Published: 7.11.2022

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