Chapter 33

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Two chapters in one day. Crazy I know :) 

Freya's POV

We arrived at Tony's cottage by a frankly beautiful lake. I had a very strong feeling towards what I was about to do. The feeling I had was neither good nor bad but it was strong. I had to convince the stubborn Tony Stark to do something that could end up being fatal to everyone and everything around him. It wasn't going to be all that hard as I was not going to take any shit from him. At least I planned not to. The whole drive to Tony's place I thought of how I was going to convince Tony to help us.

Gersemi's POV

When we arrived at a wooden cabin in the middle of a forest near a lake I was confused and excited all at once. It looked like an awesome place to play and pretend to be elves or witches or other amazing magical creatures that roamed forests. I had endless ideas for games to play and creatures to be and all I wanted to do was run around discovering everything I could about the place.

I had jumped from the car and adventured to the tree line before my mum could stop me. "Semi, come back here please," my mum said and I reluctantly turned around and went back towards her.

"Who are we seeing mum?" I asked and she took my hand in hers. She only ever did that when she wanted to be too careful. We had lots of little signals for each other. If she held my hand anywhere she wanted me to stay close and be careful. Most parents have that though. If my mum wanted me to calm down she would tug her left ear. If she wanted me to come eat or drink, or just go back to her, she would scratch her collarbone. We had that one because I once went a whole day without eating anything but a slice of toast for breakfast. I had just been so wrapped up in my own world to notice how hungry I was. We'd often use these signals in public because I haven't yet mastered telepathy.

Right now my mum was holding my hand and walking with purpose. "We are seeing Uncle Tony. He's a friend of mine and Uncle Steve's," My mum said to me and we went up the wooden steps onto the patio of the cabin.

Our shoes made small 'clunk' sounds as we walked and I imagined us as warriors marching to a beat towards our greatest battle. Or maybe we were weary elves returning home from a long day of defending our village from the monsters outside the safe walls. Or maybe we were just ourselves walking towards something scarier than all that other stuff combined. Maybe we were walking towards a stranger.

I get scared meeting people I don't know, even if my mum knows them, and I don't know why. I just got anxiety from it and my mum knew that hence why she often had to reassure me a lot before we went to see someone I hadn't met yet or wasn't used to seeing. There was only one thing worse to me then meeting a grown up I didn't know and that was a child.

Children my age both bored me and concerned me. I wanted to do things that other children were normally scared to do, at least the few children I had met in my short life. I wanted to climb tall trees, explore dark and often cobweb ridden places, clamber over rocks or logs and didn't care if I got cut, scratched or if I scraped a knee. That was all a part of the fun.

My mum knocked on the door then said "He has a little girl about your age too," which I think was meant to make me feel better but it didn't. Great I thought and looked to the ground. I couldn't think of what else to say so I went silent and waited for someone to answer the mystery door.

The woman who opened the door had light ginger hair, pale skin and very nice clothes on. She smiled at my mum and hugged her warmly against the unsure smile on my mum's face. My mum let go of my hand and hugged her back, I'm guessing just to be polite because she didn't look happy about it. "Hello Freya, How have you been?" She asked and my mum just replied with a general greeting which lead to me knowing the woman's name. "What are you doing here?" The woman asked and looked down at me. "You must be Semi," She said and knelt down to hug me too but I ducked behind my mum first. I hid behind my mum which just made the woman smile. "She's just like you were. Hiding behind your father like you did that first day," She said and my mum smiled and nodded softly.

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