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Extra Chapter:
About The Author

Every 1k I do these chapters about me everytime cause idk why I want to, I'm bored and I need shit to distract me from the fact that I'm gonna be an adult next year.

My Name is Princess Ann Marie Odulio

I'm 17 years old, my bday is on Dec 21

I'm a cosplayer (one of my recent cosplays is Fem! Gojo Satoru, you can find it on my insta @cesstheelf)

I'm an AR 50 on the Asian Server, my DPS is Mona, my Sub DPS is Kaeya, my Sheild is Beidou and my Healer is bb boy Bennett.

I like the idea of writing Romance Novels, but I don't really like the Idea of dating (cause I can't find anyone to match my energy)

If you wanna know my fetish since I am putting smuts here, I have a smell fetish, I especially like men's cologne (they smell good)

My pet peeves are, unorganized things, I am a Clean Freak.

My sexuality, well I'm a Bisexual, I am currently liking a girl that I confessed to and we're still friends, like I said I don't like dating, that ain't my shit.

I like cursing a lot since it's a way to express more of my emotions through speaking but that very reason is why I don't speak a lot.

My pronouns are, well... I'm non-binary so I go by any pronouns, preferably they/them.

What is my favorite feature in genshin impact? The stairs and the bridge, That's it.

Favorite character in Genshin Impact, Bennett, Razor and Fischl, since I relate to them a lot, I have bad luck and I try my best to get people to like me and I try my best to fit in.

If you're wondering what I look like uh, here I am with a white wig:

That's all you need to know, if you have more questions feel free to ask in the comments.

I have a question for you, who's your Main in genshin?

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