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SPECIAL CHAPTER | Senior High Shenanigans
(Genshin Impact Highschool AU)

Disclaimer:  I do not own any of these characters. This is purely fictional and not much of a spoiler to the game.

a special chapter of KaeBedo applying for college


a saturday morning inside Kaeya's condominium

"Hey, Kaeya, you're in 12th grade now, yes?" Albedo asked as he was sitting on the couch going through his phone while caressing Kaeya's hair, Kaeya, laying down on Albedo's lap. "Yeah." Kaeya asked. "And it's the 2nd semester yes?" Albedo asked again. "Mhm." Kaeya said careless and at peace while scrolling through his phone. "And you haven't applied for college, yes?" Albedo asked. "Yeah!-" Kaeya then sat up. "Fuuuuuuuuuuu..." Kaeya exclaimed.

Kaeya immediately called his bestfriend Rosaria. "Have you applied for a college!?" Kaeya asked. on the other line Albedo could hear "Fuuuuuuuuu..." then shouting along the lines of "You fucking himbo!" "Almost every fucking college entrance are closed now you dumb gay fuck!" "You really had to have your boyfriend remind you!!"  Rosaria was lecturing him. "What's wrong?" a sweet voice on the other line said. "Oh Barbara, sorry I was just on a call with a friend." Rosaria said. "Deal with that yourself but your lucky the application for the college you want is still open, all you got is muscles and no brains, I gotta hang up before I wake up all of the nuns." Rosaria said as she hang up.

"Do you want me to help you make a request form?" Albedo asked as he tried to restrain himself from laughing. Kaeya nodded his head. 

While Albedo was helping Kaeya write a request form for college, Kaeya kept ranting to Albedo. "I don't even know why she's so pissed off she's not the one who forgot to pass a request form, I just wanted to remind her I didn't expect she'd get mad." Kaeya said all depressed. "Honey, there are a lot of things that we don't expect. I didn't even expect I went into this relationship to be your therapist." Albedo mumbles his last sentence. "What?" "Hmm?"

"Yaayy!! Thank you Albedo! I'll pass these tomorrow!" Kaeya said. "Do you want anything to eat I can order!" "Anything is fine, oh." Albedo was caught off guard hearing a knock, banging on the door rather and when to take a look who it was.

He opened it to see Venti and Diluc. "Oh hi, Albedo, excuse us!" Venti said coming in. "OH MY FUCKING BARBATOS, I HAVEN'T APPLIED FOR COLLEGE I NEED HELP, THIS GUY DIDN'T EVEN INFORM ME!" Venti's shouts can be heard following Kaeya's calm voice. "I have neighbors, shut up."

"I know your walls are sound proof or else they would've filed a noise complaint on Albedo's moa-" Before Venti could finish his sentence Diluc covered his mouth, which didn't last long because Venti decided on that day to be rabid and bit Diluc's hand. "Can you control your dog." Kaeya said.

Albedo only chuckles seeing them. "I got reminded cause of Itto, we were all hanging around before this then he was all like 'My boyfriend and I applied for the same college so we could be campus couples!' and I was faced with reality." Venti said. "I'm sorry I thought you've already applied being a student council and all." Diluc said. Venti pouts and Diluc hugs him to reconcile.

"Can you not do that infront of us." Kaeya said.

Heyyy guyss this is just an extra chapter for a HAPPY 100K REAADERRSSS!!! AAAA so happyy I have been busy because it's my last year in Highschool! And yes will be applying for college with of course the help of my girlfriend (wow gay writer crazy)

Our relationship is like Albedo abd Kaeya's, I am the albedo and she's the Kaeya, nice! 👍

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