Chapter 1: The Mundane World

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   " With that, we have reached the end of the meeting. Next week, we meet with Business Commute to make a deal on what we discussed today. On the team, we need three people willing to take control of the situation. We need the main speaker, presenter, and an extra person who is well informed. Would anyone like to step up for these positions? "

No one raised their hands in the room or agreed to accept anything the man standing up was saying. It was Friday, and everyone wanted to go home. Some had plans to spend with their family, while others consisted of going to a bar and getting a drink. But for this next project, no one wanted to take responsibility for it. In Taebaek city, there were plenty of major corporations. Mercurial Corp. was the biggest business in town. They specialized in economics, business, and anything that they could legally grab their hands on. The building they worked in was tall, but it was wide. No one would expect that a big corporation would be in a big building that stretched across streets instead of reaching towards the sky. Mercurial Corp took up more land instead of the sky, so they could get to other departments easier than walking up/down stairs or elevators. And now they were discussing who would lead the meeting with Business Commute.

   " I need someone. Is no one willing to step up and take the job? "

The room was silent again, but one individual raised their hand. The man standing at the board smiled and felt relieved that someone had finally raised their hand.

   " Kenzou Kiyoshi! I was hoping you would raise your hand. I'll have you as the lead in the discussion with two other people. And since no one else is going to volunteer I'll have. . .Enid Robertson as the informative and Tracey Farrow as the presenter. With that, we are finished with the meeting. The three of those I have called out need to get together and get everything ready before Friday next week. Now, go on and leave for your homes for the day. "

   " Yes sir! "

Everyone stood up from their desks and gathered their things before walking to their offices and getting their other materials. Kenzou Kiyoshi stood from his seat and flattened out his black suit jacket as he stood. His black slick pants had no crinkles, and they covered his ankles as he stood up. He grabbed the papers that he took notes on and carried them out of the meeting room. His face remained neutral, with no expression on his lips. His blue eyes traveled across the offices he passed to see everyone working to gather their things and leave.

   ' Everyone looks so happy to leave this place. Why are we even here? What is the point if we all leave here so happy to go away for the weekend? '

Kenzou walked into his office and grabbed his suitcase. He opened it and started stuffing papers neatly into the box. He grabbed two notebooks that he needed to look over and placed them in the suitcase. He looked over his desk and realized that he had gathered everything and shut his suitcase, closing the locks with a snap. He adjusted his black tie and pushed a few strands of his brown hair to the side. He walked out of his office and shut the door. 

   " Kenzou! "

Kenzou turned around and saw Tracey Farrow running towards him. He waited for her to reach him, and she smiled up at him, glad that he waited for her.

   " Kenzou, Enid, and I discussed meeting on Monday early in the morning to start going over the information over the deal. Is that okay? "

   " Yes, that's fine with me. What time? " He asked with a  bored tone.

   " Ummm, Kenzou is everything alright? You don't seem like your usual self. "

Kenzou realized that he forgot to put on his act. He shook his head a little and hit his head a little bit with his palm. He showed the girl in front of him a small smile before replying, 

   " I'm sorry Ms. Farrow. I'm just a little tired and I'm ready to be home with my little brother. Yes, that sounds fine. We can meet at six in meeting room two so we can have enough room to talk and work. "

   " Alright! Have a good weekend, Kenzou! " Tracey said with a big smile.

Tracey walked back down the office halls to get to her office, and Kenzou kept the smile on his face as he walked through the office halls. He walked into the parking garage and jumped in his car. He threw his bag into the seat beside him, and he started his car. The smile left his face, and he started driving away from the Mercurial Corp building. The sun went through his windows, but he didn't care. The world felt dull to him as he drove. Every day he would see his coworkers leave with such happiness to be home and away from the business they work for. Kenzou didn't understand why people did meaningless things. He didn't see the same spark in life that his coworkers did. He knew how to take care of children because he took care of his younger brother, and even though there was some joy in that, he couldn't find any joy around anyone else. He couldn't figure out how to get out of the mundaneness of the world. Kenzou parked in front of the school and waited for his nine-year-old brother to leave the building. He pulled down the mirror from his visor and looked in the mirror. His eyes looked bored and tired as always. His hair was still perfectly styled from this morning. The ringing of the school bell directed his attention back to the school. He shut his visor and looked out of his passenger side window to see kids running out of the school. They looked so happy to be free from that place.

   " Is everything these days just boring? To the point, they're happy and excited to be away from that place? Where they can't wait to leave? "

Kenzou watched the kids leave the building, looking for his little brother. He could spot him a mile away because they looked just alike except for their eyes. Kenzou had his father's blue eyes while his younger brother had green eyes from their mother. Kenzou spotted his younger brother walking out of the school in his uniform, but Kenzou's eyes widened seeing someone walk with his baby brother. Walking beside his baby brother, hand-in-hand, was a young girl who looked to be nineteen. She was smiling with his brother, and they looked really happy, but not about leaving the school, but about being with each other. Kenzou found his heart rate picking up and a small heat on his face. The world around him looked even more colorful than before, and he felt lighter in his seat.

   ' Who is that? '

The woman walked to the sidewalk with his brother before crouching down to his height. She spoke to him before they hugged each other. The girl pulled away and stood up, waving to the little boy and walking off. Kenzou watched the girl walk away, and the further she got, the more he could feel his heart rate go back to normal, and he could feel himself going back into his world of dullness. His little brother opened the back car door and jumped into the car, still smiling. 

   " Hi, Kenzou! How was work, big bro? "

   " Fine. . .Hey, Hiraku who was that woman with you? "

   " Oh, that was Y/n! She's one of the senior helpers! "

   " Senior helpers? "

   " Yeah! She explained it to me today. The seniors have a class where they go to younger classes and help the students inside that classroom. Y/n got assigned to my classroom and I asked for her help a lot on my math work. "

   " And she walked you out? "

   " Yeah! The senior helpers come at the last hour of the day to the classrooms. I asked if I could walk with her out of the building and she said that I could! She's really nice and pretty! "

   " Yeah. . .she is. . ."

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