Chapter 6: Dinner with the Brothers

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You walked out of the school as usual, and Hiraku led you to his brother's car. Kenzou was standing outside of the car as usual, and he opened the door for you two. Hiraku jumped in first, and you followed after thanking Kenzou. Kenzou didn't reply, but he got in the driver's seat and started driving to their home. Hiraku was talking to you about many things on the ride, and you indulged him and let him talk. At the same time, you would look out of the window to see where you were going. After a couple more minutes of driving, Kenzou pulled into the driveway of their house. You looked at the house in awe. 

   ' That's big. '

The house was two stories, and it took the wingspan of a manor. The walls outside of the house were white, while the roofing and details were black and silver. The hedges were trimmed nicely, and there were roses in the bushes. Kenzou pulled around the loop in the driveway and parked in front of the house. He turned the car off and stepped out. Hiraku jumped out, and you got out, still starring at the building.

   " Welcome to our home Y/n! " Hiraku said, jumping up and down excited to have you there.

   " Welcome. " Kenzou said, glancing at you before walking to the door and going inside. 

Hiraku grabbed your hand and pulled you inside the house, and it was as much fancy inside as it was outside. He led you to a living room and sat down on the couch, pulling his science textbook out of his bookbag. He opened his textbook and set it out in front of you. He turned to the section they were learning, and you started to explain to him the information in the chapter and the meaning behind everything. While you two were studying, Kenzou walked up to his room and set his coat on the bed. He sat down on his bed and covered his face with his hands.

   ' She's in my house. '

Kenzou didn't understand the racing of his heart. When you were in his sights, his world got better, and he felt lively. Being in your presence or having you around shunned the dullness of his life. He liked it.

   ' I'll have to make a big dinner so she can eat well. '

Kenzou walked to his office and started looking up recipes and ideas on what to make for dinner. He got a few ideas, and when he looked at the time, he realized he needed to start cooking if he wanted to get everything done on time. He tied an apron around his hips, and he started cooking. While you were helping Hiraku, you could smell dinner being made, and it made your mouth water slightly. It smelled delicious.

   ' I'm always a sucker for food. '

Your phone started to ring, and you looked at the caller ID to see it was Amanda. You stood up slowly from the couch and looked down to Hiraku.

   " I'll be right back. Someone's calling me. "

   " Okay. "

You walked out of the living room and towards the front door. You stood in that welcoming area and answered the call.

   " Hey, Amanda. What's up? "

   " Hey, Y/n. Are you coming to my party tomorrow? "

   " No, I'm not. "

   " Why not? You need to let loose a little Y/n. "

   " And you need to stop partying. You realize that your parents won't put up with it for much longer. Every time they're gone you party and drink. "

   " I'll get you to come one day Y/n. "

   " And how are you going to do that? "

   " I'll make you a deal. Next week we have tests every day right? "

   " Yeah, they're to understand how much we remember from previous grades. "

   " How about this. If I make a ninety percent or above on everything you will come to my party that Saturday. "

   " Amanda you know that your average right now is a C. And last year your highest class grade average was an eighty-seven. What makes you think that you will score above a ninety on every test this coming week? "

   " I can try. So, is it a deal? "

   " Deal. Good luck Amanda. "

You hung up the phone and walked back into the living room, and sat down beside Hiraku.

   " Sorry, that was my friend Amanda. "

   " Dinner is ready! " Kenzou shouted from the dining room. 

   " Come on! Let's go eat! "

Hiraku grabbed your hand and stood from the couch. He walked to the dining room with you behind him, and when you entered, you could see plenty of food decorating the table. Kenzou was standing at the head of the table, and he was taking of an apron. He set it on the side of the chair's arm and sat down.

   " Please, eat. "

You sat down to his left, and Hiraku sat down on Kenzou's right. Hiraku grabbed a plate and started to grab one thing from every plate. You reached for a few items and set them on your plate. You thanked Kenzou for the food and started to eat. Everything tasted delicious, and you found yourself eating plenty of food.

   " Y/n, please, tell me a little more about yourself. "

You set your silverware down and looked at Kenzou, who was eating with grace.

   ' He must want to know the basics since he let me into his home. '

   " I'm nineteen and a senior in high school. I'll be graduating at the end of the year, to go to college. What degree I'll be getting I'm not sure. "

   ' There's an eight year age gap between us. ' Kenzou thought.

   " What do your parents do? "

   " My father works in the business industry. For the KT Company I think. "

   " And your mother? "

   " She's not with us anymore. "

   " Oh. . .I'm terribly sorry. "

   " Don't be it's been many years now. I've had my time to grieve. "

You took another bite of food and spoke up.

   " What is it that you do, Mr. Kiyoshi? "

   " I work in the business industry. I work for Mercurial Corp. "

   " That's the biggest industry in Taebaek City. "

   " Yes, it is. It's a lot of work. "

   " I'm willing to bet it is. It must be stressful to. "

   " It is sometimes but I have a little trick that will calm me down when I'm stressed. It's something I've discovered recently that calms me down. "

   " Well, I'm glad you have something like that. It's not good for the human body to be strained or stressed out so much. "

   ' She cares about me. '

Kenzou smiled a little and continued to eat his food. Satisfied with his day.

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