Chapter 11: Tensions are Rising

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The bell rang at the younger schools, and you gathered your backpack. Hiraku walked over to you and waited for you to finish packing. When you threw your backpack over your shoulder, he reached his hand up to take yours. His hand was small in yours, but you liked walking him out of the school. 

   " Ready? " You asked him.

   " Ready! Let's go home! "

Hiraku started running out of the room and pulling you with him. When he reached the front doors of the school, he slowed down the further he got from the school. You walked beside him and spotted Kenzou's car ahead of you. He was standing outside of his car waiting for you and his younger brother. 

   " Good afternoon, Kenzou. " 

   " Good afternoon, Y/n. Allow me. "

Kenzou opened the passenger side door for you, and you slipped your hand out of Hiraku's. You took your backpack off your back and set it on the floor inside the car. You took a seat and put the seatbelt on, and Kenzou shut the door. HIraku jumped into the backseat and pulled out his phone to play on. As Kenzou walked around the car, he heard his name being called.

   " Kenzou! "

Kenzou turned to look in the direction his name was being called to see Tracey Farrow running towards him. She was smiling brightly, and Kenzou felt his face automatically put a fake smile on his lips. Kenzou already had his door open, and he stood behind the door. Tracey ran up to the car and stood on the opposite side of the door.

   " Hi, Kenzou! What are you doing here? "

   " I have a younger brother. Most of the office knows that. "

   " O-Oh, that's right. Sorry I forgot. "

   " What are you doing Ms. Farrow? I don't recall you having a child or a younger sibling. "

   " I'm picking up my neighbors, son. She couldn't pick him up today and asked me to do it. His name is Charles. "

   " Charles Kanden? " Hiraku shouted from the backseat.

   " Yes, that's his name. Do you know him little Hiraku? "

   " Yeah! We're table buddies! "

   " Well, if it's okay with you Kenzou maybe Charles and I could ride with you. I can sit in the front with you while Charles sits in the back with Hiraku. I took the bus to work today since my car is in the shop so-"

   " My front seat is already occupied I'm afraid. "

   " Really? But Hiraku can't sit up there. He's too young. "

   " My little brother is sitting in the back. Today he has a tutoring session and I drive his tutor to our home so she doesn't have to drive or walk. "

   " She? " Tracey mumbled.

   " Kenzou, can Charles ride with us? Please! " Hiraku shouted from the back.

   " Well. . ."

   " You would really be doing me and him a favor. " Tracey said, hoping he would agree. 

   " Alright, but you both would need to sit in my back seats. I don't want Y/n to have to move. "

   " O-Okay. "

Charles ran outside of the building and spotted his neighbor. He hugged Tracey's legs before getting in the car with Tracey. Kenzou got in the driver's seat and started the car. His little brother and Charles talked in the back while Tracey was looking ahead of her and Y/n was looking out of the window.

   " How was your day, Y/n? " He asked.

   " Fine. Nothing exciting happened. There was a fight in the cafeteria but that's about it. "

   " A fight? Over what? "

   " Over an ex-boyfriend's jacket. "

   " That isn't a very good excuse to fight someone. "

   " It's not, but it's teenage girls trying to start drama. It's what they do. "

   " And your friend Amanda? How is she? "

   " She's fine, but she's already planning another party. "

   " You're not going to this one? "

   " Nope. I left the last one extremely early and I'm not exactly what you would call a party girl. "

Your phone dinged, and you turned your attention from the window to your phone. You saw the contact name and unlocked your phone so that you could answer the text message.

Conner: Hey, how was school??

You: Fine, the only exciting thing about it was that some girls got into a fight over an ex-boyfriends jacket.

Conner: Ahhh, high school drama. I don't miss it one bit

You: I bet you had a lot of drama surrounding you since you were a football player in high school

Conner: If I did, then it wasn't over a jacket

You smiled a little as you continued to message Conner. Tracey was talking with Kenzou, but he gave blunt answers with his fake smile. Kenzou felt annoyed that Tracey was riding with them and that you were texting someone instead of talking with him. He wanted your attention, not on whoever you were texting. If it was your father, he could live with that, but he knew it wasn't. When you shifted in the seat, he could see the contact's name, and he didn't like it at all.

   ' Conner, huh? Who is Conner and why is she messaging him with such a smile? That smile should be because of me, not him. '

Kenzou felt jealousy rise in him, but he tried to keep it pushed down. He didn't want to explode at you in the car with his co-worker in the back with two children. He wanted your attention. He wanted your eyes on him. Not on your phone where you could message another guy; right in front of him.

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