Chapter 2: Helping the Teacher

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   " Y/n, are you ready for the last class of the day? " Your friend Amanda asked.

   " Yeah, I get to go to the smaller schools and help the teachers there. " You said, walking through the halls. 

Amanda pouted as you both met at the crossroad in the school halls where she would have to go to her chemistry class.

   " Yeah, because you're last class is a free one. "

   " Teaching kids is much harder than you think, I promise. "

   " I'll believe you. Hey, do you want to come over this weekend? We can stay at my house since my parents won't be home for the weekend. "

   " Is it another party? "

   " No. " Amanda said, obviously lying.

   " You're a liar. You know I'm not going to one of your parties. "

   " Why not? Come on, please? "

   " No, I'm not even the age to drink anyway. "

   " Who says there will be alcohol? "

   " Your shopping list. Now I've got to go. Next time let it be just a girls hangout and then I'll come but I'm not much for parties and you know that. "

   " One day I will get you to come to one of my parties. One day I will. "

   " And that day I will be out of my mind. "

You waved at Amanda and walked out of the school to sit on the bus. The sun was hot, and the weather was humid. You tucked your hair behind your ear as you got on the bus and took a seat at the front. The bus driver was waiting on a few people to get on the bus before he left for the other schools. For once, you felt a little glad that the school uniform consisted of a skirt. The skirt had the choice of being long or short to your knees. And on hot days like today, you were glad that your legs wouldn't suffer. Of course, when the winter hit, you were allowed to change into pants or wear something over your legs. You opened your notebook and started to doodle on the empty pages. You didn't have much homework today, and when you went home, you could relax in your room. You heard the school bell ring and the bus doors shut.

   " Lookes like the other five will be late. " The bus driver said as he drove away from the high school.

The driver left the campus and started driving towards the younger schools. You leaned on the side of the window and waited to get to the other schools. It wouldn't take long, but you found that sometimes seconds felt like minutes, and minutes felt like hours. You kept your head down and continued to doodle in your notebook until the bus stopped.  

   " Alright kids get off, and have a good day. I'll be here if you need to go back to the high school to get your car or get on another bus." 

   " Thank you! "

Everyone piled out of the bus and walked into the school. Everyone parted and started walking to their assigned classrooms. You walked down the fourth-grade hall looking for the classroom you would be going into. You spotted the door and knocked on it. The teacher opened the door and smiled at you.

   " Y/n, glad you're here. Could you go inside and help them a little? "

   " Sure? "

   " I'll explain. Just come inside. "

The teacher opened the door a little more, and he allowed you to come further inside. You could see all of the kids laying their heads down on their desks, tired of school. You walked to the teacher's fridge and opened it. Inside there was some milk that the teacher would store for the kids later. You grabbed a few and started handing them out. You set one on all of the kid's desks, and then you went by each desk and shook them softly awake. They would raise their heads and smile at you. You pushed the milk to them with a straw, and they would start drinking it. They slowly started to wake up for the last class.

   ' Last one is Hiraku. '

Hiraku was a special case. When you came into the class for the first time, Hiraku had taken a liking to you immediately. He said he liked how kind you were, and he felt comfortable around you. It made you happy to know that he was comfortable around you. You crouched beside his desk and gently shook him awake. He raised his head and smiled at you.

   " Y/n, hi. "

   " Hi, Hiraku. Can you wake up and drink this milk for me. Your class isn't over yet. "

   " Okay. Thank you for the milk. "

You walked back to the front of the room and stood beside the teacher. The kids were slowly waking up, and the teacher turned to you.

   " Thank you, Y/n for helping. I didn't think I would be able to get them to wake up. I was nervous that I would scare them. "

   " Don't worry. I'm here to help. "

The teacher thanked you again and turned to the board, and picked up his marker to teach the lesson. You stood to the side and observed the kids. They were all paying attention, but when some got rowdy, you would have to step in and get them to calm down. You helped each of them with their practice work and graded some papers for the teacher, but it was relaxing to sit in the classroom instead of being back at the high school. 

   " Y/n, will you walk with me again, today? " Hiraku asked you.

   " Sure. Go and grab your stuff and we can leave together. "

Hiraku nodded and walked to his desk to grab his backpack and belongings. 

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