Chapter 25: Visits

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Kenzou knocked on the front door, and he waited a minute before your father opened the door and smiled up at him.

   " Hi, Kenzou. What brings you around here? "

   " I cam to deliver Y/n's last check. I didn't get to pay her last week before she quit. ANd I wanted to check on you and see how you were doing Mr. L/n. "

   " Well, come on in. "

Your father opened the door further and Kenzou walked in. He handed your father the envelope of cash and he guided Kenzou to the back porch. He sat in a lawn chair and Kenzou joined him in the second chair.

   " Where is your daughter? "

   " Well, she's with her friend Amanda right now. They had a girls night. "

   " I see. It's a shame she can't keep tutoring Hiraku. "

   " Yeah, she told me that her grades were starting to slip and she didn't want to see them go any further down. I apologize for her quitting, but I agree with her. If her grades are slipping I would rather have her focus on her grades than work. "

   " I understand. It's fine, as long as she can help him in class it's okay. "

Your father's phone started to ring, and he looked at the caller ID.

   " Excuse me Kenzou. I need to take this. It's my boss. "

   " Don't worry about me. I'll go inside and you can take your call out here. "

   " Thank you. "

Kenzou stood from the lawn chair and walked inside the house. Your father took the call and didn't pay attention to what Kenzou was doing inside. Kenzou walked through the house and when he got to your room, he opened the door and stepped inside. Your room was cleaner than before, and your backpack was resting against the wall. Your phone was sitting on your bed, and he picked it up, scanning the case.

   ' She must have forgot her phone. '

Kenzou turned the phone on and a password came up. He started thinking of what your password could be, but he came up blank.

   ' She must have wrote it down somewhere. '

Kenzou started to look around the room and he looked at your desk at all of the sticky notes and pictures. There were more pictures that decorated your wall above the desk. The pictures were not of just Amanda anymore. There were some of Conner hung on the wall, and the sight of the boy made Kenzou grit his teeth. He looked through your papers and found a little booklet hidden underneath your desk. He opened the book and saw there were passwords written down in the book. He looked through the passwords and found your phone password written down. He unlocked your phone and started searching through your contacts, and photos. He sent some pictures to himself and then deleted the evidence that he had ever sent them to his phone. He then went to your text messages and saw Conner's name appear at the top of the list. He opened the texting window and looked through all of your messages with Conner, feeling more and more enraged.

   ' I need to take this chance. ' He thought.

Meanwhile, Amanda handed you a drink as you set up the movie on her TV. Once the movie was ready to play you hit the button on the remote to start the movie.

   " So, he looked sad when you told him that you were quitting? " Amanda asked.

   " Yeah, he looked sad, like he was about to cry. I never thought he would show that kind if emotion around anyone. "

   " Maybe he really cares for you. "

   " Maybe, but I don't think that's the case. He was doing strange things and they weren't appropriate. "

   " He didn't rape you did he? "

   " No, he kind of just hugged me. . .and said some weird things. "

   " Like what? "

   " He said that he couldn't be far from me because I'm a magnet. He also said that I belong to him. It was things like that. "

   " That is creepy and possessive. It's probably a good thing that you quit. "

   " Yeah, I miss little Hiraku but I don't think I could handle Kenzou doing or saying things like that to me. They weren't appropriate especially since Conner and I are dating. "

   " Have you told your dad? "

   " No, I want to tell him, but I don't at the same time. Kenzou's company helped train my father's company so, I don't want my father to cut ties with Kenzou due to company reasons. And they're friends I think. "

   " Oh, well. . .I think you should still tell your dad. "

   " But it wasn't anything serious. The most Kenzou has done was hug me, and I really don't want to trouble my dad. He's already stressed enough. "

   " What is he stressed about? "

   " Work, and he's worried about me. Since it's our senior year and I'm going to college, he's worried about what I'll do when I go to college and move into my dorm room and. . .everything."

   " I still think you should tell him. Better safe than sorry. "

   " I'll tell him when I go back home tomorrow. I left my phone at the house so I can't call and tell him. "

   " How do you forget your phone? "

   " Because it's not a necessity in my life. I can handle my life without my phone, unlike you. "

Amanda hit your shoulder and you both started to pay attention to the movie playing. 

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