Chapter 31: A Moment in Time

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   " No. "

   " No? "

   " No, I won't take the deal. "

   " How come? You were eager to leave just moments ago. "

   " Simple, obviously you're confident that you can catch me. Otherwise, you wouldn't have offered me the chance to leave. You're going to be faster than me, and I don't know where I am. I could be in another city or town for all I know. I wouldn't do much good for me to run out now. I don't even know if it's morning or night. So, no. "

Kenzou stared at you from the doorway while you were thinking. You didn't recognize the room inside Kenzou's house at all; even the hallway beyond the door wasn't recognizable. In your mind, you were in a new house somewhere away from town, really you were at the same house but put underground, but you didn't know that. Kenzou shut the door behind himself and walked towards you.

   ' I need to get his keys first before I escape. If I can escape then I can run out and lock the door behind me. But I have to get the keys first. '

Kenzou kneeled in front of you and grabbed your hands. You tried to take your hands back, but he held your hands tightly.

   " Sweetheart, how smart you are. You know to be cautious and to figure things out first before taking action. Ah, how wonderful you are. "

   " That doesn't mean I want to be here, and that I want to be here. Because I don't want to be stuck here with a killer-"

Your cheek stung from the slap of his hand connecting to your face. The area on your cheek turned red, and it was burning. Your head turned in the direction he had slapped you, only showing how strong he was; he was able to almost knock you off the bed.

   " You need to respect me. I've done everything just for you. I made this room, I moved you in, I killed those people for us! "

   ' People? It wasn't just Conner? '

   " I love you with my whole heart! Why can't you love me back! "

   " Don't you get it!? I don't love you! And I didn't ask you to do any of this for me! "

   " You are an ungreatful brat! "

Kenzou took your arms and threw you off of the bed. You raised your arms and covered your head from colliding with the floor. The rest of your body hit the floor, but your head was protected from colliding with the floor. You looked up at Kenzou and saw him standing above you. He kneeled beside you, and he grabbed the top of your shirt and balled the fabric in his fist. Then, he lifted the top half of your body off of the ground. You put your hands on his shoulders and pushed against them so that you could get away from him. You could hear your shirt start to rip from you, pushing away from him, and his fist still holding your shirt tightly.

   " Understand, I love you very very much, but I am not afraid to discipline you. You've been given a lot of information, but I've given you enough time to process it. Now accept it, and stop fighting. Because I will fight back, and put you in your place. "

   " Don't touch me. "

   " You don't have the right to say that. You're in my house, eating my food, and staying beside me. I own you. WHat's yours is mine, Your business is my business. End of discussion. "

   " You're crazy. "

   " Crazy for you, but you need to learn some manners and respect. "

His face was closer to yours, and you tried with all of your might to break away from him. 

   " Because you are mine, and no one else's, you are under my mercy. You're lucky I'm not interested in taking your virginity until after our wedding. I want our first time to be when you are my wife and you have my last name tied with your first name. "

Your shirt finally ripped, and you fell back onto the ground. Kenzou's hand was still holding the cloth in his hand from where he had gripped your shirt, and your chest was revealed due to how much fabric had been ripped away from your shirt. Kenzou was quick in his actions, and he threw the cloth to the side, and he took your shoulders and slammed his lips on yours. His lips were rough on yours, and they felt cold against yours. You tried pushing away from him, but one of his hands moved to the back of your head and pushed your head against his. To Kenzou, he was feeling bliss.

   ' So, soft. So, warm. '

Your lips were warm on his, and he was enjoying the kiss. He disconnected your lips and connected them again. he forced his tongue into your mouth, and he turned his head, deepening the kiss. He felt stuck in time, and it was like there was no one else in the world. You felt his tongue enter your mouth, and you felt disgusted. You bit his tongue while it was in your mouth, and he pulled away from you, putting his tongue back in his mouth. He glared at you, but it didn't last long when he looked down at you and saw you gasping for air. He smiled, and he pulled you up in a hug.

   " I love you so much. "

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