Chapter 5: A Deal

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You walked out of the school with Hiraku to your side. It was the end of another day of school, and Hiraku was talking to you about his classes.

   " Math wasn't too hard today, but I didn't like the science lesson. "

   " You always say that. You never like science. "

   " Because it only has a little math in it. The rest of it is either looking at a chart or predicting using statistics. I don't like statistics. "

   " What if you thought of it in a different perspective? "

   " How else would I look at it? "

   " Hiraku. " Kenzou's voice spoke up.

You looked up from Hiraku's eyes and looked at Kenzou. He was standing in front of his car like he did every day. He wore a suit with his hair still styled, and he had a neutral expression on his face. Hiraku looked at his brother and ran towards him, giving him a hug. He turned back towards you, and you crouched on the floor in front of him.

   " I would look at it like you're the scientist in the situation and your discovering it. Then you'll start questioning why you're doing what you're doing and why you are combining the chemicals you're using. That way you can remember, since you have such a good memory. "

   " Trouble in science? " Kenzou asked.

   " Yeah, he isn't a big fan of science. "

   " I never was either. That's why I work in a company. "

You nodded and stood up from the ground, facing Kenzou. Kenzou's heart was slightly beating faster, and he did his best to keep his composure. While you weren't feeling any of the same effects, he was.

   " I must be going. I need to go home and check on my father. He's sure to be home by now. "

Kenzou nodded, but he had something to say before you left.

   " Y/n, would you mind if you tutored Hiraku from time to time after school in science? I am not as skilled in science as I am in other subjects and I don't want him to struggle to understand the material or anything in the future. "

   " Sure. Umm, what day would you like me to come? "

   " Would Monday, Wednesday, and Friday work? "

   " A college schedule, huh. Sure, I don't mind. "

   " I will provide you with money as payment. "

   " You don't have to do that. Hiraku is a sweet little boy, and I don't mind tutoring him. "

   " Then dinner will have to suffice. Have a good day Y/n. I'll drive you to our home tomorrow since it's Friday. "

   " Okay. Have a good day you two. "

You walked away from the two and started walking to your house, which was close. It was sunny today with no clouds in the sky, and there was no breeze to blow b and cool you down. You crossed the road and went to the street that the school was facing. You passed by two more houses before making it to your own. It was small with a small kitchen, decent-sized living room, two bathrooms, and two bedrooms. You pulled your key out of your bookbag and unlocked your door. You walked inside and saw your father in the kitchen cutting up peppers on a cutting board. 

   " Hi, dad. "

   " Hey, pumpkin. How was school? "

   " It was fine. Nothing too interesting happened. "

   " How was that little boy in the fourth grade? Hiraku was it? "

   " He was good today. He was very enthusiastic about what we were learning in math, but he hates science. He doesn't understand the statistics side of it along with knowing why a scientist guesses on what chemical to use. "

   " He likes knowing that there is a solution. In science sometimes there's never a permanent solution and I understand that. I like knowing that there's an answer instead of a solution that could possibly be wrong. "

   " Yeah. He likes finding all of the solutions he can and finding which one is right. He likes a permanent solution not one that could be wrong or continue. "

   " Well, dinner will be done in an hour. Does a stirfry sound good? "

   " Yeah, sounds good. Hey, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I'm going to tutor Hiraku so he can understand his science class a little more. "

   " Okay, just text and let me know when you're coming home. Do you need a ride to get there and home? "   

   " No, I've got one. "

   " Alright, now go get changed out of your uniform and into some more comfortable clothes. "

   " You don't have to tell me twice. "

You took off your shoes at the door and walked to your room. You shut the door and set your bookbag down on your bed, and looked for some comfortable clothes to change into. You found some and went to the bathroom to change. You walked back to your room and set your school uniform in a basket of clothes that had yet to be washed. You laid your back on the bed and felt the tension leave your shoulders, and you started to relax. You could smell the stir fry when your father put the ingredients into a saucepan and started to stir it. Your stomach growled, and you left to go into the kitchen and watch your dad cook, not realizing that someone was outside of your house, watching. 

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