Chapter 41: Ride Home

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   " Alright, let's get this party started. Do you want to skip breakfast or get it on the way? " Celestino asked shutting the driver's side door.

   " Let's just get it on the way. I really don't want to stop and get out if Kenzou's around. He knows I'm gone, and I have no doubt he's looking for me. I want to get back to my family before Kenzou can. "

   " Alright. Let's go. "

Celestino started the truck and started driving away from the motel. The radio was turned on and random music was playing. We stopped by a fast food place and got some food. We ate as we drove on the road. Celestino's phone started to ring, and he set his empty wrapper back in the bag. He picked up his phone and answered the phone call.

   " Hello? No, I told you I can't. I know she wants to talk to me but I don't think now is the best time. I know she's still mad at me, and. . .yes, I understand and I promise I will talk to her later. Just not now. Bye, J. "

Celestino hung up the phone and set the phone on the seat between us.

   " Friend of yours? "

   " Yeah, he was my best man at the wedding and he was telling me how Nikkie is still really mad at me. I told him to let her calm down first and then we would talk. "

   " That is probably for the best. Let her calm down first before talking to her. "

   " Yeah, I don't really want her screaming at me through a phone, and if we were to meet in person I wouldn't want her to throw her stuff at me. "

   " Yeah, I wouldn't want her to throw her expensive stuff. "

   " I paid for it all, I'd rather not deal with her breaking them. "

It became silent in the truck, and you didn't know what to say to him. Celestino was still a stranger to you, and you weren't sure what to talk about.

   " Want to play twenty questions? "

   " Sure, why not? You go first. "

   " Okay. Do you have any siblings? "

   " I have five siblings. "

   " Five!? "

   " Yeah, four brothers and one sister. They're all younger than me with my sister being the youngest at five years old. "

   " Wow, I don't even have any siblings. It's just me and my dad. "

   " You like them sometimes, and other times you wanna beat them. It's a love-hate relationship with my siblings. Uhh, what is your favorite color? "

   " F/c. "

   " That is a very pretty color. Mine's blue. It works well with my blue eyes. "

   " Age? "

   " I am twenty five. "

   " You're old. "

   " Older than you, so you should show me some respect, young lady. "

   " Oh, excuse me your highness, I'm sorry I haven't been serving you to greatest of my ability. I should have paid for the motel room, and ordered you the most divine dinner in the entire kingdom! "

   " Agreed. "

You slapped his arm and laughed a little bit. 

   " Okay, my turn. What is your family like? Since you don't have any siblings. "

   " Well, my father loves me a lot. He always calls me 'pumpkin' and we take care of each other. "

   " I'm guessing mom is out of the picture? "

   " Yeah. . .she died when I was younger from a disease. She couldn't recover from it in time, to get better. I got to say goodbye to her when I was younger so I went through the grieving process knowing I said goodbye and told her how much I loved her. "

   " At least you did. Most people don't get to say goodbye to the ones they love. "

   " Have you ever lost someone? "

Celestino sighed and he ran his hand around the rim of the wheel before glancing at me and then back at the road.

   " No, I haven't. You can consider that lucky, but I consider it unlucky. "

   " Unlucky? Why? "

   " Because I don't know what it's like to lose someone. I don't know how to properly grieve, and I don't know how to let go of someone permanently like that. Once they're gone they're gone, but I've never seen that or experienced grief. To me, you're lucky because you've experienced it. And I know that sounds horrible but, I know that when I lose somebody, I won't be ready to let go of them. "

   " And that's completely normal. If you don't want to let go of them, then that's normal. It's part of grieving. It's called the denial stage. "

   " It's not a fun experience I know, but I hate feeling unprepared for death. I know it's natural and that things will end for everyone, but. . .I hate not feeling prepared to let people go, forever like that. They'll be gone. "

You placed your hand on Celestino's arm and rubbed his arm up and down. It seemed to calm him a little, and his grip, which was once tight on the wheel, was now relaxed.

   " Don't worry. No one can be prepared for death. It will happen when it happens. We can't predict who dies when, all we can do is make sure they hear what we have to say before passing. To let them know how much we love them before they die and leave us. That way, things are a little easier, and they'll know how much we really care for them. There's no way you can be prepared, Celestino. "

   " Thanks. Man we went from light questions to really deep. Who's turn is it? "

   " No idea. Should we play I spy? "

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