Chapter 30: A Chance

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Kenzou had left the room, claiming that he was going to get food since he thought you would be starving, but you had lost any appetite that was present before finding out what he had done. He had stolen your clothes, he had stolen stuff from your room even if it was trash, and he had prepared an entire room for you in the small time you tutored Hiraku. Knowing all of that only made you shiver and uncomfortable. Finally, the door opened, and Kenzou walked in with a plate of spaghetti and a breadstick on the side of the plate.

   " I brought dinner, sweetheart. I made homemade spaghetti with breadsticks. "

Kenzou shut the door behind him locking it with the key he had, and he held the plate out to you. You didn't take it, and you shook your head.

   " I'm not hungry. "

   " You need to eat. "

   " I don't have an appetite. "

You put your hand on the side of the plate and pushed it towards him. You couldn't look him in the eyes, and you focused on the floor. Everything in this room felt wrong. The fact your clothes were here, that there was a shrine hidden in the closet, and that the entire room looked like it was designed for a honeymoon felt wrong. 

   " It's not healthy to skip meals. "

   " Do, you expect me to eat when I'm still trying to swallow all of the information I'm taking in right now? You just kidnapped me and you're keeping me locked up in this room. Not to mention the fact that you say you love me. . .This is insane! "

Kenzou only sighed at your outburst and set the plate on the bed behind you. He sat down next to you, but you didn't turn his way, and you kept your eyes on the floor. 

   " Sweetheart, it needed to be done. It was time you got away from all of that filth and came here. After you broke up with me, I-I couldn't bear it. I need you in my life. "

   " We're not even dating and we never were! I just quit my job! "

   " You broke up with me. And I couldn't let you walk away from my life. I wouldn't survive without you. You make my world so bright and happy. Whenever you're around I feel calm, happy, and all of the colors in the world seem to brighten. It's never boring and you make it seem like the world has joy, that it's not mundane, and that there is something to live for. "

   " I don't know what the hell you're talking about. "

   " My purpose is to keep you safe, to keep you by my side, to keep you with me. "

   " You're a psycho. "

   " A psycho who loves you. "

   " I don't love you, though. I want to be free! I don't want to be trapped here! "

   " What did you say? "

His tone turned scary quickly, and a shiver traveled through your arms. He grabbed your arms tightly, and he pulled you into his chest. His hands were tightly gripping your arms, and you knew bruises would spot your skin later on those areas. 

   " You don't love me? "

   " No. I don't love you. I'm not going to lie to you and tell you something that isn't real. "

Kenzou didn't respond, and he just stared at you. His grip didn't loosen on your arms, and he started to get even angrier.

   " No. . .No, no, no you do love me. You're just. . .adjusting to your new life here. Yeah, that's it. You've gone from one style of life to one more luxurious and loving. You just need time to adjust, that's it. "

   " Kenzou, that's not what I-"

   " You will love me! I've waited so long, to have you here, to have you with me. I'm not going to let you go. We signed a contract remember? "

   " What contract? What are you talking about? "

   " Yeah, we signed a contract. You're mine, and mine alone. "

   " You've gone insane. I didn't sign anything! "

   " It doesn't matter! " Kenzou yelled

Your arms felt numb, and you couldn't feel anything beyond your forearms. 

   " You are mine. End of story. Now, eat. "

Kenzou let go of your arms and stood up from the bed. Your arms felt sore, and you laid your back on the bed as Kenzou slammed the door and locked it. You looked at the food but decided against eating it. You felt like you were going to throw up if you ate it. Before you could get too comfortable, Kenzou entered the room again.

   " You just left. "

   " Why don't you love me? "

   " I don't know you kidnapped me, killed my boyfriend, and stole a lot of stuff from my room. Tell, me do you think any of that should give me a reason to love you? Kenzou you're an adult for God's sake. Everything you have done is illegal and wrong. I am here against my will. "

Kenzou didn't say a word. He only stared at you before opening the door. You knew you could run to the door, but with him standing in the way, it wouldn't be a good ending for you.

   " Fine, let's make a deal. "

   " Why would I want to make a deal? "

   " Trust me, I think you'll take it. "

Kenzou threw the door open, entirely exposing the hallway. However, he still stood in the doorway with his hands behind his back.

   " I'll give you one minute to run. If you escape, then you escape, but if I catch you, you stay here and learn to love me. "

You were silent as you looked through the door. You questioned how fast you could run in that minute to get out of the house or wherever he had hidden you.

   " Do, we have a deal? "

You Are My Business (Yandere Male x Female Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ