Chapter 34: Trapped Once More

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Your body hurt as you started to regain consciousness. It ached all over, and it hurt even to try and sit up, so you stayed where you were. Slowly you opened your eyes and found yourself in a different room. The bedsheets were white, while the walls were grey. You felt wrappings around your head and your stomach. There were small wrappings around your arms and legs, and you felt stiff. 

   ' That's right, a car hit me. And it was someone Kenzou knew. '

There was a chair beside your bed, but there was nothing else in the room. There were two windows on the wall, and you looked out of the windows and saw trees.

   ' He changed locations. Damn. . .'

The door to the room opened, and you knew who it was that walked inside your room. He chuckled and took a seat in the chair beside your bed. Kenzou smiled at your figure and held your hand in his.

   " I'm glad to see you're awake. "

   " Where are we? "

   " Somewhere else. Far, far, far away from the mansion. "

   " You finally got smarter, eh? " You mocked.

   " Oh, sweetheart I had this all planned from the beginning. I was looking at houses to purchase so we wouldn't have to stay at the mansion. I wouldn't want to stay in that town when it would be easy for someone to find you or think me suspicious. The day you escaped I had already purchased a house, and I was planning to move in a few weeks later, but you escaped before I could tell you the news. "

   " What about Hiraku? Your job? "

   " I quit my job. They were offering new positions in a smaller company a couple of miles from our new home. So, I resigned and moved districts. Hiraku however thinks I am away for business. An old friend is taking care of him for me. "

   " An old friend? "

   " Yes, he was a servant of my father, but seeing as my father is who he is, he left my father to help me. He owed me a few favors after all. So, he is going to take care of Hiraku while we settle a few things here in our new home. "

   " I'm not living here with you. "

   " Your opinion doesn't matter anymore dear. After that little escape attempt, I thought it best you received a little punishment. Now you are bedridden for a few days. That will suffice as punishment for your escape, but I won't let you go again. I'll have to be more strict of you. I was right before rethinking things needed to be moving a little faster. "

   ' So, I was right again. I knew he wanted to move faster as soon as he gave me that gift. '

   " As soon as you get better we will sign a contract that will bind you to me, that way you can never leave me. "

   ' He means getting married. Signing a contract in his mind is the same thing as signing marriage papers with our names. '

   " I'm not marrying you. "

   " As I said before, your opinion doesn't matter anymore. I know you love me and I love you. It's just going to take some time before you realize it. "

   " You mean it's going to take time before you realize I don't love you. "

   " Don't say that! " Kenzou shouted as he stood up.

Kenzou glared down at you, but he didn't make any attempt to hit you or leave the room. 

   " Once the papers are signed you'll have no choice. That is how things will be. "

   " I don't have to sign anything. "

   " Just you wait, sweetheart. Time will tell. Once you are fully healed we will start the ceremony and get the papers signed as quickly as possible. It'll be a small ceremony, and you'll be my own little secret from the world. That is how things will be. "

   " You can't hide me away from the world forever. Someone's going to notice I'm missing; my father, Amanda, someone will know I've been taken. Hiraku's going to wonder why you've been gone for so long. At some point, the police are going to make the connection of why you're not home and who kidnapped me. They will-"

   " They will not. What alibi do they have that I kidnapped you? I'm working a new job for specific reasons that involve my company and while I'm away an old friend is taking care of my little brother. There are no leads on me. No doubt they'll notice, but they will only think I'm a suspect for so long before they give up on me. They'll look, but they won't find you. "

You didn't want to believe him. You knew that your father would be the first to notice you were gone and that the police are looking even right now. You knew you needed to stay strong long enough for them to get closer. Now, you didn't know where you were, but you knew your father, and you knew he would keep looking for you until you were found. 

   " Then, we'll marry. We'll have a small ceremony and live somewhere new. Somewhere far away. We can have our honeymoon there, and make that our new home. Hiraku can live with us as soon as he finishes this school year, and we'll teach him out there. "

   ' He really planned everything, to the smallest detail and time. '

Kenzou leaned forward and pecked your forehead before moving to the edge of the bed. You watched him grab something, and you pulled your legs closer to yourself, it hurt to move, but your gut was telling you to move away from him. Your gut was telling you the right move to make; when Kenzou sat up, there was a chain in his hand with a clasp at the end. Before you could get further, he grabbed your ankle and clipped the chain tightly around your ankle.

   " Now, this should prevent you from leaving. Get some rest, dear. I'll be back in a little while. "

Kenzou stood up and left the room, not locking the door behind himself.

   ' He's confident I won't be able to get away with this chain wrapped around my ankle. '

You pulled on the chain a little bit and looked at how long it was. It was long enough to allow you to move all over the bed and to look out of the window. Dread crept into your stomach, and you didn't like how trapped and suffocated you started to feel in the small room.

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