Chapter 17: Their Past

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   " Y/n! "

You heard Hiraku's shout and looked inside to see him running to the door. 

   " Let's go pick your outfit! "

Hiraku grabbed your hand and ran inside with you jogging behind him. You felt better to get away from Kenzou, and you were glad Hiraku was there to get you. Hiraku took you up the stairs and into his room. Inside of his room, it looked like outer space. On the ceiling, there were glow-in-the-dark stars, the walls were blue, and so were his bedsheets. There was a telescope sitting in front of his window pointing up at the sky, There was a bookshelf full of books, and their spines looked worn. On the blue walls were paintings. Each canvas had a picture of one of the planets, and they circled his room. They were painted with great detail that you know Hiraku didn't paint them. 

   " Let me see what you brought! "

You set your bag down on his bed and spread the outfits out. When you were done, Hiraku looked at them and then looked up at you.

   " You have good taste. But I have better. "

Hiraku took the outfits and took some pieces of one and combined them with pieces from another. He handed them to you and told you to change, and he told you exactly what you needed to do when you changed. You followed his instructions and changed in the bathroom. When you looked in the mirror, you realized he was right.

   ' Man a child has better taste than me. I shall be damned. '

You walked out of the bathroom, and Hiraku's eyes sparkled.

   " Yes! That looks good. Now let's do your makeup. "

Hiraku took your hand and brought you to the bed. You sat down, and Hiraku moved your other clothes to sit on your bag. Hiraku ran to the bathroom and brought out makeup products that sat in two big bags. Hiraku threw them on the bed and jumped on the bed. He sat right in front of you and opened the bags spilling all of the makeup contents out.

   " Do you like to do makeup on yourself, Hiraku? "

   " Sometimes, just so I can stay in practice in case someone needs some help. "

   " You used to help your mother get ready? "

   " I did! She would let me pick her outfit for the day and I would do her makeup and hair before she went to work. I like to be a master of many things and I learned how to master makeup. "

Hiraku started looking through skin tone shades, and he found yours, and he started to apply the makeup. He picked up brushes and looked through the different eyeshadow pallets until he settled on one. 

   " So, where are your parents Hiraku? Is Kenzou raising you by himself? "

   " Yeah, big brother is raising me. Father never got along with Kenzou. He always pushed him too hard to do things he didn't want to do. So, one day they had an argument and mom was crying and she ruined her makeup. She asked me to redo it and I did. "

   " Then what happened? "

   " Kenzou wasn't home the next day. He was gone. I didn't see him for a month. He came back later and told me that I was going to live with him instead of my parents. "

   " Why? "

   " He said he didn't want me to get the same pressure he did from dad. "

   " What kind of pressure? "

   " Dad wanted Kenzou to take over the family business, so he forced Kenzou to be a business major and he forced Kenzou to go to the same college he attended. He also made sure Kenzou didn't fail any classes and threatened him if he did fail. "

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