Chapter 14: Ideas on Lovers

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Kenzou sat at his desk, finishing his work for the day and looking at the paperwork from the deal they had made with another corporation. He was focused on his work, but he wished he could leave early or at least call you and say hello, but at this time, you would be in school, getting lunch.

   ' I'll see her later anyways. She's going to tutor Hiraku later. '

Kenzou finished looking through the papers, and he clicked off all of his tabs. He opened one of his drawers and pulled out a soft blue box. He ran his hands over the lid, feeling the soft texture of the box. Kenzou smiled down at the box, but his joyous moment was interrupted by his door opening.

   " Hey, Kenzou! Do you want to go get lunch? " Tracey asked him, standing in the doorway.

   " No, thank you Ms. Farrow. I'm not that starved today. "

   " Are you sure? I could go get us some food and bring it back in here. "

   " I am fine, but thank you Ms. Farrow. "

Tracey took notice of the box in his hand, and her eyes sparkled at seeing the box.

   " What's inside of that box, Kenzou? The box looks expensive. "

   " It was a little pricey but it wasn't anything but pocket change. It's a gift for my loved one. "

   " Your loved one? " Tracey asked with hope in her voice.

   " Yes, I'm going to see her later, and I am going to give her this gift. As an act of appreciation and love. "

   " Oh! Really? "

   " Yes, if you don't mind Ms. Farrow, there are somethings I need to get back to work on. "

   " Oh, sure. "

Tracey shut the door to Kenzou's office and walked away smiling. 

   ' I wonder when he'll come by. ' She thought.

   ' Maybe this will direct her out of my way. ' Kenzou thought.

Kenzou looked at his phone and dialed your father's number. He waited for your dad to pick up the call, but at school, you and Amanda were eating lunch together. Amanda was smiling like she had to adjust received the greatest gift in the world.

   " So you're dating!? "

   " No, we are not! "

   " But that's technically a date! And he bought you food and he played every game just so he could give you the stuffed animals and give you food! That's so cute. "

   " Amanda please stop. " You said, feeling your cheeks turn red.

   " He is so into you. I'm glad I brought you to my party and you two got to meet and -oh, this is just great! "

    " Amanda, please. . .I just want to eat my food. "

You put another piece of food in your mouth and brought your phone out of your pocket so you could ignore Amanda. You scrolled through different social media when a text message popped up. You saw the name but slid the message away. It was Conner. You didn't want to talk to him at that moment after Amanda's relentless nagging. You decided that you would answer him later, just not when Amanda was around. You finished your food and threw away the leftovers. You sat at the table and laid your head down, hoping to sleep a little before going back to class.

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