Chapter 20: Consent is Important

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Once all of the food was eaten from the basket, and you had watched four movies, you and Conner laid down on the blanket and looked up at the stars. Your hands were lying behind your head as you looked up at the stars. The sky was lit up beautifully, and you could spot the many shapes in the stars.

   " So, did I do well? " Conner asked.

   " Who asks that? Who asks if they did well on the first date? "

   " No one, but did you have fun? "

   " I did. It's a nice break from school and to relax. "

   " Good, I'm glad that I could take you on a date that you enjoyed. "

You turned your head and looked over at Conner. He was still looking up at the stars, and he didn't turn his head towards you.

   " You always care if I'm having fun. HOw come you always ask that when we do something together? "

Conner was silent for a moment before turning his head to look at you. He was smiling, and he seemed to be happy beyond belief.

   " I care if you're having fun because you should be able to have some fun in everything you do. A lot of people when they talk about going to work or going to class they say they're only doing it for the money or to get the degree and leave. Usually, people say they go to work because it's a way to do something with your extra time or to get money. But the real reason you should have the job you are working in is if it's something you enjoy. Of course, some jobs require you to get long hours of education, but if you find some fun in it then it won't be as bad. And you can have some fun while you work. You need to do it for the fun and the fact that you enjoy it. So, I ask you everytime if you've had fun because if you don't then I'll do something else so you can always smile and be happy. "

You didn't say anything and just watched him. You didn't know what to say to him after that little speech. So, you just turned your head to look back up at the sky. 

   " I guess, you're right. I don't really know what to say after that. "

   " You don't have to say anything. Just tell me when you're not having fun, and I'll try to do better. "

   " You don't have to do better. "

   " I, know. But I want to. I care about you and I don't want you to be unhappy or not have fun. "

It was quiet for a couple more minutes before Conner stood up from the ground. He held his hand out for you to take, and you looked at him questioningly.

   " What are we going to do? "

   " Let's pack up and get back. It's late and you need your sleep. "

   " I'm beautiful without it. "

   " You are but for your health let's get you back. "

You took his hand and stood up from the ground. He started to put all of the food plates up along with the drinking glasses. You folded the blanket and put it in the basket for him to shut. He shut the basket and grabbed your hand again, walking back to the car. Conner opened the trunk and put the basket in the car. He walked you to your side of the vehicle, and before opening the door, he asked,

   " Did you really have fun? "

   " Yeah, I did. It was relaxing and I enjoyed it. We should do this again. " You said, leaning against the car.

Conner smiled at your response and walked over to lean against you and the car. You hugged your waist to him, and his chin rested on your shoulder.

   " I couldn't agree more. "

You hugged him back, welcoming the warmth his body had. Your eyes were still trained on the stars in the sky as you embraced, but when he pulled away, your eyes connected with his. It felt like time had stopped, and he leaned in closer to rest his forehead on yours. Your face felt like it was on fire. Conner's face had a slight blush on his cheeks under his eyes, but his lips didn't touch yours. 

   " I won't do anything you don't want me too. I don't want to make you feel pressured and I don't want to move to fast for you. I'll wait. "

You didn't say anything as he kissed your cheek and opened the passenger side door for you. Hesitantly you slipped into the car and sat down. You buckled yourself down as Conner shut your door and walked to the other side. He got in and started driving away from the field. 

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