Chapter 38: In Sickness and In Health

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   ' I didn't think this was what he meant when he said 'take care of me.' '

The water had filled the bathtub with bubbles and flower petals inside the bathroom. Some candles were lit inside the bathroom, and Kenzou sat on a bench beside the bathtub. His coat jacket was off, and his white long sleeves were rolled up. 

   " I'll close my eyes, but trust me. I won't hurt you or touch you inappropriately. "

   ' I don't trust you at all, but you won't leave if I say no. You'll probably force me into the bath. '

Kenzou closed his eyes, and you stripped your clothes and slipped into the water. You made sure the bubbles hid your body before telling him you had gotten in the water.

   " I'm in. "

Kenzou opened his eyes and reached for the showerhead. He turned it on and started to wash your hair. His hands never wandered from the top of your head. Once your hair was wet, he grabbed the shampoo and started to clean your hair. When the shampoo was lathered in your hair, he rinsed your hair and began to massage the conditioner in your hair. It was peaceful and quiet, but you were still very wary of his hands in your hair. He rinsed his hands and then rinsed your hair of the conditioner. You thought it was over, but he took a bottle and squeezed some soap into his hand. He rubbed his hands together and placed them on your shoulders. He started to massage your shoulders with the soap. Once he was done, he dried his hands and washed your shoulders with the showerhead. 

   " I'll let you finish up. "

Kenzou left the bathroom, and you cleaned yourself, snagging a little more soap in case something happened with the other piece you had hidden. Quickly, you changed into warm clothes and opened the door. Kenzou wasn't waiting for you outside of the door, and you didn't see him downstairs. You were half tempted to look for him while the other half told you to walk around. You picked the latter and went downstairs. You wandered around until you decided to sit on the couch. You waited for Kenzou, knowing he might be a little mad to see you downstairs.

   ' Now, I have warm clothes. So when I leave I'll at least be warm. I'm lacking shoes though, but I'll have to make do with what I have. When I escape it'll be while he's at work. I'm really far from home, so I'm going to have to do what I can to figure out where to go. I need a map. '

You continued to think about where you could find a map, and you decided that his library would have one. 

Kenzou walked downstairs with a towel and new clothes on as you thought about your plan. He put the towel on your head and started to dry your hair. After feeling the towel hit your head, you were snapped out of your daze. 

   " I'll dry your hair, make you some soup and you can rest. "

You could only nod, and after drying your hair, he made you soup and let you eat it in the living room, but after you were done, Kenzou picked you up and carried you upstairs, but he wasn't taking you to your room. He walked towards his room. His door was already open, so he walked through and set you on his bed. 

   " Why can't I go to my room? "

   " Sweety, we'll be married soon. And once we're married we'll be sleeping in the same room, in the same bed, together. "

   " And? "

   " And, I think we should start letting you sleep in here, together. "

   " I don't think-"

   " You'll be staying here from now on. "

Kenzou walked back to the door and locked it, but he locked it with a key tied around his neck. Kenzou got on the bed and laid on his side, pulling you closer.

   " Let's rest a bit. Then, if you're feeling better, we can talk about the wedding and get the details set in stone. "

   " 'Set in stone'? What do you mean? "

   " I've already got the details set for the wedding, but I wanted to discuss them with you, before I start getting everything and organizing it. "

   " Aren't we moving a bit to fast? "

   " Not, fast enough in my opinion. If it was up to me, we would be married by now, but in consideration for you, I'm waiting until you're better. Sickness would not be a good start to our marriage. "

   " I don't want to get married. Not to you at least. You're a psycho. "

   " I did everything for you, sweetheart. There were some people in the way of our love that needed to be taken care of. I couldn't just let them come between us. "

   " You're sick in the brain. "

   " Because of you I am. "

   " Don't blame this all on me. "

   " Oh, but it is your fault. If you had only listened to me about Conner and never left my side, you would still be at home with your father and Amanda. "

   " I didn't tell you to kill them. I never told you to do anything. None of what you did was my fault! "

   " You simply just don't know what you do to me. Your voice is enchanting, your body fits perfectly with mine, and you color my world. Everything was so mundane and bland, but you walked into my life and everything was brighter and nothing seemed to be boring. You gave my life meaning. "

   " Why didn't you just get a dog or a cat or something? " You whispered to yourself.

Kenzou's grip was tight on your form, and it didn't seem like he was going to let go anytime soon.

   " All I cared about was Hiraku and the business world. But now the only business that matters is you. You are my business, you are my purpose. And I'm never going to let you go. "

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