Chapter 18: Obsession

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   " Okay, Hiraku's brother is a little. . .how do I put this. . .intimidating. "

   " I understand that. But he's got a nice side. "

   " I hope he does. You do work for him. "

   " Yeah, he pays me well and since it's late he makes dinner for everyone. "

   " Hmm, well that's good I guess, but I have a bad feeling about him. "

   " That might just be the intimidation talking. "

   " It might, but I still think he's someone to be cautious of. "

You only nodded and looked out of the window as Conner kept driving out of the town. He didn't tell you where you were going. But whatever he had planned was going to take place outside of town. The sky was dark and dotted with stars, so most places would be closed at this point. You had asked him where he was taking you, but he would easily dodge the answer and start talking about something else.  

   " How are classes? " You asked.

   " Fine. I didn't have to go to my communications class today, so I'm happy about that. "

   " Why didn't you have class? "

   " When ever the professor gives us a speech assignment he gives us two days to work on it, and we don't have to go to class in order to work on it. "

   " Even though you only have that class on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday? "

   " Yup, and that's my last class of the day so I get a free day after twelve. What about your classes? "

   " They're fine. It's nothing too hard. "

   " High school classes are easy compared to college. "

   " Says you. Right now that's all I have are high school classes. "

   " Just don't stress too much over things. It's just one part of your life. You've still got a long way to go. "

   " Okay, grandpa. You realize you're not that much older than me. "

   " But I'm still older. "

Conner was now driving through the countryside, and he pulled his car over to the side of the road. He turned the car off and turned towards you smiling.

   " And we are here. "

   " In the middle of no where? "

   " Yup! Let's go! "

Conner jumped out of the car, and you got out and shut the door. You watched Conner open the trunk, and he brought out a picnic basket. Conner shut the trunk and locked the car. He put his keys in his pocket and grabbed your hand, walking into the field of cut wheat.

   " Isn't this tresspassing? "

   " Nope, Gabe's grandparents own the field. I asked him if I could use it tonight and he asked his grandparents. They said as long as we don't leave anything and we clean up, we can use it. "

Conner walked with you further into the field and decided to stop and set the picnic basket down. He brought out a picnic blanket and set it down. He started placing food on the blanket along with a few lanterns. He tapped the blanket, and you sat down on the blanket.

   " I planned a little nightly picnic. We can look at the stars, eat, and i have my laptop in the basket if you want to watch a movie or a show. "

   " Did you make the food? "

   " Yeah, I did. Though I may be majoring in medicine I know how to cook and prepare things. "

   " Hmm, impressive. "

   " It's off to a good start then. "

Conner brought out his laptop and started discussing what movie to watch. When you agreed on one he started playing it, and you both enjoyed the food Conner had prepared. On the other hand, Kenzou was sitting in his room staring at his phone. Before you left, when he had grabbed your shoulders in front of Conner, he had put a small tracker on your top. It was small, and no one would be able to notice it, and he was looking on his phone to the location Conner brought you.

   ' A field? He took her to a field? He must be using an old cliche date style where they have a picnic under the stars in a field. I could do better. '

Kenzou put his phone down and stood from his bed. He walked downstairs and went to the back of the house, closer to the garden outside. He walked outside and descended the steps into the garden, but he didn't go into the garden. He turned and went towards the wall of the house. There was a small door that needed a key to be unlocked. Kenzou had the key, and it was the only one that could unlock the door. He opened the door and walked into the basement, locking the door behind him. He walked through the lit halls until he reached the main area. Inside there was a small room, bathroom, and an area Kenzou walked to and kneeled in front of.

   ' One day, I can have her. Until then this will satisfy me. '

In front of Kenzou was an altar. The picture he had stolen of you and Amanda was ripped in half. Only you were in the picture, and it was hung on the wall. The pencil he stole was also placed on the altar along with the ball of paper he took from your floor. There was one spoon, and one fork placed on one end. He picked up the spoon and remembered the time he had first gave you dinner at his house, and you used that silverware. 

   ' I need more. She makes my world so bright and colorful. '

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