Chapter 37: Adventure

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You walked to the door leading out of your room, and you opened the door, successfully escaping the room. You felt your heart race a bit, leaving the room. You stepped out of the room and decided to look through the rooms on the first floor. The first room was a guest room. When you walked inside, the room was just like yours but, it was decorated. The bed had colorful sheets and a duvet. There was a desk in the room and a wardrobe, clear of clothes. There didn't seem to be anything useful in the room, so you moved on. You knew what was in the bathroom, so you didn't go in there. The last room upstairs was Kenzou's, and that was the master bedroom. You opened the door and stepped into the room. The room was neat and clean, with the bed made and the sheets tucked under the mattress. There were papers stacked and thrown all over the desk, and there were a few things on the dresser. The room was clean and neat. There was a door, and you assumed the door led to a bathroom. You walked through the room, and when you walked to the desk, you saw the pictures that were once on his shrine, now framed on the desk, or hanging on the wall in front of the desk. It made you shiver to look at those photos. You searched through the room, but nothing was interesting to look at or take with you. As you walked out of his room, you sneezed three times before walking to the stairs. You went down to the first floor and looked around. The kitchen connected to the living room, and there was an island in the kitchen with bar stools. There wasn't much downstairs to look at downstairs. There was a set of doors underneath the stairs, and you pulled them open to reveal a library. The library was huge, and there were three couches in the room with two desks. 

   ' This room is huge. '

On one side of the wall, it was covered in windows. Behind the windows, there was a forest, and it seemed extensive. You left the library and closed the doors, walking to the kitchen. You found an old, worn towel and took it, so you could wipe off the soapy water from the chain and your ankle. You didn't think he would notice the towel was missing. When you saw the knife block, you thought about taking a knife but, you didn't want to resort to violence. You passed by the block and didn't take any of the knives. You walked into the living room and saw a TV, and there were CDs stacked beside the TV. There was no backdoor, so there was no garden or anything outside. 

   ' There's nothing much to the house. I guess that's a good thing. I'll know exactly where to go when it's time. Right now, I'm sick and I won't get far. I've gotta get better before I make my escape. '

You walked back up to Kenzou's room and decided to look for a map or any indication of where you were. You looked through papers and found some from the new company he works at. At one point, you found an address, and you could only assume that was the closest you would get to finding anything.

   ' So, we're two districts over. Great. I've gotta find some way to leave. '

You looked around the room and found some books sitting on the floor. You walked to the books and started looking through them. A lot of them were based on business, and some were fictional. You grabbed the books and looked through the pages to see if there were notes or anything, but when you picked up one of the books closer to the bottom, you felt a lot of weight to the book. You ran your fingers over the pages before opening the book, and they were fake. You turned the book in your hands and felt the weight inside the book shift to one side. You pulled the top part of the book, and it opened. But you realized the book was fake. Inside it was hollow, and there was cash stashed in the book. It looked like there were more than a thousand dollars in the book. You took fifty dollars and closed the book. You stacked the books back in the order you found them and made sure they were organized the way they were when you walked in. 

You went back to your room and hid the fifty dollars underneath the mattress with the towel. As you closed your door, you heard the front door open and shut. Your heartbeat quickened, and you jumped back in the bed and slipped your ankle through the chain. When your ankle was slipped through, you took the towel and started to clean the soap from the chain and your skin. You lifted the mattress and put the towel underneath it with everything else you had hidden. You flipped the blankets back over your body and laid down in the bed, laying your head on the pillow. The door opened to the room, and you closed your eyes to pretend you were asleep. 

   ' Stay calm. '

You felt a weight on the bed, right beside your form. You felt Kenzou's hand being placed on your shoulder and lightly shook you awake. You opened your eyes and forced yourself to yawn.

   " Hey, sweetheart. "

   " You're home early. "

   " I was too worried about you. It doesn't feel right to leave you here, at home, when you're sick. "

   " Oh, it's just a common cold. "

   " Still, It doesn't feel right to leave you here, alone. "

You took notice that he had a bag in his hands. You sat up in the bed and gestured to the bag. Kenzou set the bag on the bed and took out its contents. He pulled out an outfit that looked warm for winter and some medicine.

   " I'll make you some lunch and then I need you to take this medicine. "

   " What's the medicine? "

   "It's ibuprofen. It'll help with the cold you've got. And I've got a few more medications in case it gets worse. "

   " Why not take me to a doctor? "

   " Because that involves you going to people. I would rather keep you to myself. If things do get worse, I have someone on call that will help me, and not say a word about this. "

   ' Who are these people? How does he know these people? '

   " I'm going to run you a warm bath, and I'll take care of you, okay? "

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