Chapter 9: The Party Pt.1

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Your phone started to vibrate, and you picked it up to see Amanda calling. You reached over and picked up your phone. You placed it to your ear and answered the call, knowing you would regret it.

   " Hey, Amanda. What's up? "

   " Y/n, are you still in bed? "

   " What if I am? "

   " It's three in the afternoon. Why are you still in bed? "

   " Because my bed is comfortable and I don't want to depart from my soft pillows and sheets. "

   " Well, get up! I'm coming to pick you up so we can go to the store and get some snacks, and then take you back to my place to get everything ready. "

   " You don't have anything set up? "

   " Oh, I do. But you can help me get the food ready and we can get you ready. "

   " I can find something to wear. "

   " No, you can't. Now, get up, I'm almost there. "

   " Fine, fine, fine. "

You hung up the phone and set it on your nightstand. Slowly you got out of the bed and stretched your limbs, hearing them pop a little. You moved the covers off of yourself and stood from the bed. You walked over to your closet and started to search for something decent to wear out in public. When you found something, you went into the bathroom to change. You fixed yourself and walked into the living room, putting your socks on as you walked. 

   " Hey, pumpkin. Going somewhere? "

You looked and saw your dad sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper. He had a cup of coffee in his hand as his eyes peered up from the newspaper, looking right at you. 

   " Yeah, AManda's coming to pick me up and then I'm going to stay with her for the day. "

   " Are you staying the night at her place? "

   " No, I'll be back but I might be back late. "

   " How late? "

   " Eleven. "

   " If you want me to pick you up I can, just give me a call. "

   " Got it. Amanda should be here in a few minutes. "

   " Alright, be safe and don't do anything stupid. "

   " No promises. " You said, slipping on your shoes and walking outside through the front door.

When you got outside, you waited for Amanda to pull up to your driveway so you could jump in her car and get to the store. The day was hot, but the cool breeze cooled you off as you waited for Amanda. As the breeze stopped blowing by, Amanda pulled up and parked her car. You ran to her car and jumped in, feeling the AC cool you down.

   " Ready to go? "

   " I don't really have a choice. "

   " Exactly. "

Amanda put the car in drive and started to pull away from your house. She had her radio turned to a high volume, and she was dancing in her seat, but you were looking out of your window at the sky. You picked out shapes in the sky as Amanda drove, not listening to the music that would leave the radio. Your thoughts were on the tests she had passed, and wondered how she could pass all of them with such high marks when she didn't listen to the teacher in any of her classes. And you knew this was the truth because she would call you and ask for help on her homework, and she couldn't understand anything in the textbook. You spotted the store coming closer, and you prepared yourself to get out of the car. Amanda parked the car, and you unclipped your seatbelt, leaving the car to join your best friend outside.

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