Chapter 29: Until Death does Us Part

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A small headache occurred as you started to stir. Slowly you sat up in bed and opened your eyes. Instantly you knew the room you were in wasn't your own. You woke up fully, realizing that you were not at Amanda's house or your own. The room was the size of your living room and kitchen combined with a light gold rug in the middle of the floor. The walls were a crimson red color, with light gold accents on the walls. There were two doors to the room and a small desk that touched the right wall. A tall bookshelf sat on the left wall, and it was filled with books. The bed was in the middle of the wall, facing one of the doors on the opposite wall. The bed was in the shape of a circle, and the sheets were red with a flat sheet that was a light gold color. The pillows were red, and beside the bed, there was a small table stand that had a lamp sitting on the top. 

   ' Where am I? '

Above you, there was a grand chandelier that lit up the room. You slipped the sheets off of you and walked to the first door that was closest to you. The door was on the same wall the desk touched, and when you opened the door, you stepped into a bathroom. The walls were white, and it seemed clean like a five-star hotel's bathroom would be. You shut the door and stepped towards the main door to the room, and twisted the handle, but the door was locked. 

   ' Great, I'm locked in a fancy room. Who even brought me here? The last thing I remember was going outside of Amanda's house to sit down. '

You turned around to lay back on the bed, but you noticed a closet was beside the bookshelf. So you walked to the red doors and pulled them open. Inside were a bunch of clothes and a huge box that sat on the floor. There was a smaller door behind the box, but before you tried pulling the box out, you noticed something about the clothe's hanging up in the wardrobe. 

   " Isn't that one of my shirts? "

You pulled the shirt off the hanger and realized that it was the same shirt you were missing. 

   " And that shirt too. . .I lost it. . ."

You continued looking through the clothes, and you concluded that they were all yours. The clothes in the closet were the ones you had been missing and couldn't find. You felt a shiver travel up your spine, but you looked down at the tiny door behind the box. You pulled at the box and pulled it out of the closet. It was heavy, so you took one end and turned it in the closet before pulling it out. You squatted and realized the door was the same height as you when sitting on the floor. You pulled the door open and felt your heart drop at what you saw. You shut the small doors and put the box back in place before closing the doors to the closet. 

   ' Who ever brought me here is a fucking creep. Why do they have a shrine of me here!? '

You walked back to the end and sat down, feeling your skin crawl and your stomach turn. There were rose-scented candles on the shrine that were lit not too long ago, and photos were taken of you. Some photos were with your friends, but your friend had been ripped out of the picture and left on the floor beside the shrine. A rose laid on the shrine with a small blue velvet box, and there were a few small objects from your room that were there. You held yourself as you continued thinking about the shrine, but the sound of jingling keys stopped your thinking. The sound was coming from outside of the locked door. You stood up and waited for the door to open. The lock clicked in the door, signaling it had been unlocked with a key, and slowly the door opened, revealing who the culprit was.

   "Kenzou? "

   " Ah, you're awake. Good morning, sweetheart. "

   " Sweetheart? Kenzou what am I doing here? "

   " Well, I brought you home. You were a little tipsy last night when I found you and I brought you home so you could rest. "

   " Home? This isn't my home. Kenzou this is kidnapping, you need to let me leave. "

Kenzou stepped into the room and locked the door behind him. More red flags popped up in your mind, and you knew to be careful. Kenzou wore casual clothes that consisted of grey sweatpants and a white tee shirt. There were shoes on his feet, and his hair didn't have any gel in it, making it soft and gently frame his forehead. 

   " But this is your home. Sweetheart, I did what was best for you. You were not in a good environment with the wrong crowd of people. Now that this room is prepared for you, and with no one in our way everything can work out as fate intended. "

Kenzou slipped his shoes off and walked across the room towards you. You tried to take a step back when you realized that the bed was behind you. Your calves hit the bed, and it unbalanced your feet, making you sit on the bedsheets. Kenzou now towered over you, and he kneeled on the floor. 

   " Kenzou you don't-"

   " I love you, Y/n. "

Kenzou leaned forward and touched your lips with his. You felt shocked, but you pulled away from him. Kenzou noticed how your skin paled, and your body was shaking.

   " I know it's a lot to process, and I will give you time. However, you must realize that I did this for us. "

   " Us? Us!? Kenzou there is no us! We're not even dating, and you're eight years older than me! This isn't legal in any way possible! I have a boyfriend, and I don't like you romantically! Now let me go home! "

Kenzou didn't say anything after your outburst. He just continued to smile at you and then responded.

   " Oh, sweetheart, you don't have a choice. Age is just a number, and you don't have a boyfriend that'll miss you. That filth is gone. "

It hit you like a truck at that moment. The realization of what happened to COnner crashed into you, and you felt tears brick your eyes.

   " What did you do to Conner? "

   " I took care of him. There's no need to say his name or even think about him anymore. So, I suggest you don't. I would rather not get mad at you, and do something that neither of us will like. "

The tears that pricked the corner of your eyes fell as you just stared at Kenzou's smiling face. He didn't stop smiling; he seemed even more joyful. Kenzou took both of your hands in his and placed a kiss on each palm.

   " I promise to love and cherish you until death does us part. Of course, marriage will come later. I know right now it's a lot to take in and I will hold off on proposing, but one day I will be able to see you in a beautiful white dress, with a ring on your engagement finger. Then we can have some kids. Hiraku would love to play with the, little children. Doesn't that sound nice, sweety? "

You didn't reply; you just continued to cry over the situation, not wanting to believe that you were kidnapped.

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