Chapter 21: Warmth in the Cold

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The cool breeze blew by, blowing through your hair, and you clutched your papers to your chest as you walked out of the school with Hiraku by your side. Jiraku was jumping up and down, excited for the upcoming holiday. 

   " Are you going to dress up for Halloween? " Hiraku asked you.

   " I might, but I don't know. I'll just sit at home and watch some scary movies probably. "

   " Well, I'm going trick or treating! It's a good chance to get free candy for Valentines day. "

   " Doesn't candy have an expiration date? "

   " Does it? " Hiraku asked.

   " I don't think so, but don't quote me on it. " You replied to the small child. 

You walked Hiraku to Kenzou's car and opened the door for him. You slipped into the passenger's seat and buckled into the car. You turned towards Kenzou and smiled at him.

   " Hi, Kenzou. How are you doing today? "

   " Fine. It's getting colder though. "

   " It is. I can see why you stayed in your car instead of greeting us outside like normal. I need to start bringing a sweater or jacket to school. "

   " Do you have one at home? " He asked, pulling away from the school.

   " I do, I just didn't bring it with me today. "

   " Bring it next time so you won't be so cold. "

   " Got it. "

Kenzou drove to his home, and this time he opened the doors for you and Hiraku. Hiraku was excited to have you over like usual, and he took his books out of his bags when he entered the house's living room. You started to tutor Hiraku while Kenzou sat on the couch behind you two, working on some papers and observing what you were teaching Hiraku. Sometimes he would speak up and say a random fact that was involved, and he would correlate it to the lesson and explain it to you and Hiraku. After your tutoring session was over, Kenzou made dinner, and you ate with the two. After that, everything seemed calm and normal.

   " So, Hiraku what are you going to dress as for Halloween? " You asked him.

   " I'm going to dress like a prince. It's easy to dress for and I like the concept. "

   " That'll be fun. If you need help with anything let me know, okay? "

   " Okay! "

   " What are your plans for Halloween? " Kenzou asked you, taking another bite of his meal.

   " I might just stay home and watch horror movies. I really have nothing to do. I think some classmates are getting a party together so they can celebrate. " 

   " Why not go to the party? "

You shrugged your shoulders and ate another bite of food before responding. 

   " I might, but a lazy night with scary movies and popcorn on my couch sounds just as great. "

   " You are always welcome to join us on our trick or treating. "

   " Thanks for the offer, but I don't want to interrupt a family outing. "

   " You're apart of our family though! "Hiraku shouted.

You only smiled at Hiraku and nodded in agreement. You ate the rest of your food and went back to the living room to start packing up. Kenzou took the dirty dishes and put them in the kitchen to clean later. He walked into the living room, where you were putting all of your books back in your bag. 

   " You know, Hiraku is right. You are family now. "

   " Still, I don't want to interrupt your time with him. Brothers should spend quality time with each other where there are no intteruptions. "

You put the last textbook in Hiraku's bag and set it on the couch. You reached down and picked up your backpack to zip it. As your hands grabbed the bag, you felt hands place themselves on your hips. You stood up straight, and your back met with something solid. You turned your head to look up at Kenzou, and he had his eyes closed as he was smiling and enjoying the moment. You felt uncomfortable in his arms and turned to face the front and look down at the table.

   " Kenzou, what are you doing? "

   " You're warm. "

   " Still, you shouldn't be touching me like this. "

   " How can I resist? I was cold and you looked warm. "

   " There are blankets on the couch. "

   " And you attract me like a magnet. It's hard to stand far from you, or not to be in your presence. At this point, I crave the feelings you give me. You enhance everything and I can see clearly. Nothing is boring or dull when you are around and your brighten the world around me. How could I stand away from that? "

   " I have a boyfriend. " You said sternly, starting to understand the situation. 

You felt clammy, and you didn't want to stand or be around him. Ever since your date with Conner, Kenzou hadn't left your side. But he had never gone this far. He would always be in the room or stand near your location, you noticed, but he never touched you like this or made these advances. 

   " That boy doesn't know anything. He doesn't appreciate your true value. He doesn't see what I do. "

   " And what is that? "

   " That you belong to me. "

You felt a shiver travel up your back, and his touch felt cold against you. But Kenzou was getting the opposite. The areas he was touching felt warm, and his world was lit up in color. He smiled as he rested his chin on the top of your head. But you pulled away from him and walked to your backpack. You took your bag and ran towards the doors to the house, deciding to walk home. Kenzou's smile went away and was now replaced by a frown.

   " I need to go! Thank you for the meal! "

You left, slamming the door. But when the door slammed shut, Kenzou's frown stayed in his place. He clenched his fists together, and he walked towards the garden to go to his secret basement. 

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