Chapter 22: Breaking the Boundary

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   " Where is it? " You asked yourself as you looked through your closet.

Currently, you were looking for your favorite shirt to wear. Amanda invited you to go out to the mall, and you agreed. But while you were getting ready, you couldn't find your favorite top. You looked in your dirty clothes, under your bed, everywhere but you couldn't find it. Lately, you couldn't find a lot of your things. Certain pieces of your wardrobe were missing, along with some things around your room. You shook your head and grabbed another shirt, and slipped it on. You grabbed the rest of your things to take to the mall, and you left your room. Your father sat on the couch reading a book, and you walked past him, waving goodbye. Your father smiled at you and waved back.

   " See you later, pumpkin! "

   " Bye, dad! "

You walked outside and waited on Amanda. You took a seat on the steps to your house and pulled out your phone, and clicked on her contact name. You put the phone up to your ear, but no one picked up. Instead, it went straight to voice mail. 

   ' She must be on her way. '

You put your phone away and looked out onto the road, and started to get lost in your thoughts, but the incident from the other night haunted your mind.

   ( Flashback )

  " And you attract me like a magnet. It's hard to stand far from you, or not to be in your presence. At this point, I crave the feelings you give me. You enhance everything and I can see clearly. Nothing is boring or dull when you are around and your brighten the world around me. How could I stand away from that? "

   " I have a boyfriend. " You said sternly, starting to understand the situation.

You felt clammy, and you didn't want to stand or be around him. Ever since your date with Conner, Kenzou hadn't left your side. But he had never gone this far. He would always be in the room or stand near your location, you noticed, but he never touched you like this or made these advances.

   " That boy doesn't know anything. He doesn't appreciate your true value. He doesn't see what I do. "

   " And what is that? "

   " That you belong to me. "

( Flashback Over )

   ' I think I need to look for another job. I love Hiraku but I don't think I can handle Kenzou acting like that or treating me like that. '

You shook your head and wished that the situation had never happened. Soon Amanda's car pulled up, and you jumped in.

   " Girl, what happened to you? You look depressed and sad. Also very very stressed. "

   " There's just a lot going on and there's a lot to think about that I don't want to think about. "

   " Sounds like you need a drink. "

   " I don't need a drink. I just need to get out of my head. "

   " Agreed. Let's go to the mall and get some food, shop around, and then we can go to the movies or just walk around. If you ever need to tell me something you know you can. "

   " I know, I just don't want to think about it. "

Amanda only nodded and drove away from your house. You talked with Amanda about the Halloween party that the school is throwing, and she talked about costumes. She was planning to dress as someone from her favorite movie, while you didn't know what you were going to wear. Soon the mall was in your sight; you did what Amanda suggested and felt the issues of tutoring leave your mind. Kenzou, however, was anything but calm. On the weekday, he was sitting in his office finishing up some files for the next week so he wouldn't have to worry about them until later. His eyes traveled to his wallet where the picture of you sat, but when he looked at the picture, he could only see your form running away from him. Kenzou took the small soft blue box out of his coat and opened it looking at the expensive jewel inside.

   ' She just doesn't understand yet. I need to be patient. . .but I want her now. ' 

   " Kenzou! What are you doing here on the weekend? "

Kenzou swiveled his chair around and saw Tracey standing in the doorway to his office. Kenzou didn't attempt to put his fake smile on. He made it clear to Tracey he was irritated, but she didn't care and entered his office.

   " What are you doing here Ms. Farrow? "

   " One of our co-workers messaged me and said you were here, and I wanted to come and keep you company. "

   " I am perfectly fine on my own, Ms. Farrow. I am not in the best of moods, please leave my office. "

   " Oh, Kenzou, don't be ridiculous. "

Tracey walked behind Kenzou's chair and placed her hands on his shoulders. She started to massage his shoulders, but he grew even tenser. 

   " I don't mind. "

   " But I do Ms. Farrow. I wish to be left to my own devices. " Kenzou said, setting the blue box down on the desk.

He took Tracey's hands and took them off his shoulders. He let them fall to her side, and he stood from the chair and walked away from her. He walked towards his door and pulled it into the office, and gestured for her to leave. Kenzou was trying to be friendly and not snap at her, but she made his mood become something evil.

   " What's this? " Tracey asked herself, grabbing the small blue box on his desk.

   " Ms. Farrow that is none of your business. Please set it down and leave my office. "

Tracey didn't listen and opened the box. She gasped at the jewelry inside the box. Kenzou felt his body shake in anger seeing Tracey take the ring out of the box and slip it onto her finger.

   " Oh, this is just lovely! And it fits my finger perfectly! "

The ring was a silver band with a light blue gem in the middle. On the sides of the ring were smaller gems that littered the band, and on the sides of the diamond, there were small decorations. Inside of the band was the name of the owner that would wear the ring. Unfortunately, it wasn't Tracey Farrow. 

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