Chapter 7: Introductions

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   " Hey, dad. I'm back from school. " You said, entering your home.

   " In the living room, pumpkin. "

You took off your shoes and walked into the living room. When you stepped into the room, you saw your father sitting on the couch, but someone was sitting on the other end of the couch. Their gaze, now, focused on you.

   " Oh, I didn't know you had a guest over. I'm sorry. "

   " Y/n, this is Kenzou Kiyoshi. A long time ago when my company started developing we went to his company, Mercurial Corp., and we learned our skills there and how to keep the business going. He was one of my leaders in the project. He came to check up on how everything was going and filing a follow up. Mr. Kiyoshi this is my daughter Y/n. "

   " Yes, we have met before. " Kenzou said, showing your father a small smile.

   " You have? "

   " Yes, she tutors my little brother every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. "

   " Oh, so you're the one who asked my daughter to tutor. She never mentioned who it was, so I'm a little shocked. "

   " She is an excellent tutor. My little brother seems to be greatly improving in his studies and I'm glad to see him make a friend with someone, even though she is significantly older than him. "

   " Well, I'm glad she can be helpful for your family. I still feel like I owe you for teaching me and my company so much. "

   " Nonsense. We just gave you the tools to start your company and keep it afloat. You took the tools and ran with them. "

   " Excuse me. " You said, walking out of the living room.

You walked into your room and shut the door behind yourself. You grabbed some clothes and made sure that the door was locked and the window blinds were closed before stripping and changing into some comfier clothes. You didn't feel like leaving your room and going to the bathroom to change. Seeing Kenzou made you feel a little on edge.

   ' I feel like I've been seeing him too much lately. I teach Hiraku and I'm in his home, I see him after school, and now at my house. It seems like he's everywhere I go. '

It made you shiver, and you decided to stay in your room and wait for dinner to leave. You hoped that the businessman wouldn't stay long so you could spend time with your father and feel comfortable in your house again. You laid on your bed and started to work on the homework your precalculus teacher gave you. There wasn't much left, and you decided to get it done as quickly as possible so you wouldn't get a headache from all of the math equations. As you worked in your room, your father was still sitting on the couch talking with Kenzou.

   " How is little Hiraku doing? "

   " He's doing good. He's still young but he's smarter than most of his peers. "

   " Does he have any interests? Something that could become a career in the future? "

   " He might. He seems to be enjoying his math class a lot. I'm thinking financing, business, or a mathematician. He's capable of doing anything however. "

   " I've met him once, and I was greatly impressed by your little brother. He's like a boy genius. "

   " Thank you. I'll tell him that when I go home after this follow up. "

   " Have you heard anything from your father? "

Kenzou suddenly felt anger seep into his veins, and he wanted to snap at your father, but he held himself back. Instead, the fake smile he showed your father dropped, and he glumly looked into your father's eyes.

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