Chapter 36

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Laura's P.O.V.

"Laura, you okay?" Luke asked. We were now sat in an extremely fancy restaurant, having the best food ive ever tasted.

"Im fine" I gave him a reassuring smile. Ive been acting a little distant since that chat with Jordan, I cant stop thinking that maybe Luke is using me, but he loves me, right? Luke kissed my temple and placed a hand over my thigh, giving it a comforting squeeze.

After eating, we headed back to the hotel. When we got to the hotel, fans were there and I sighed. Luke put his hoodie on me and lifted the hood as I hid in his chest.

We made it alive into the hotel, as soon as we were inside, I headed straight to the elevator. The boys followed behind me and together we went up to our room. I headed straight to my room once I was in the fancy hotel room.

A few minutes after, someone knocks on the door.

"Come in!" I sniffled against the pillow. Ashton's head popped in, he gave me a dimpled grin, making my own appear.

"Hey, can I come in?" He chuckled, "I dont think you yelled loud enough" he joked and I chuckled. I didnt even realise I yelled that loud. He sat down at the edge of the bed and just looked at me for a while, "Whats going on Laura?" He asked, knowing somethings wrong.

"Nothing important" I stated, hiding my face in my pillow so he wouldn't see past my lie.

"You think im going to believe that?" He questioned, I groaned.

"No" I admitted.

"Just tell me whats wrong, we can all see somethings wrong" he told me.

"Its just" I sat up and crossed my legs, indian style, "Im doubting Luke's feelings for me" I said quickly, he stared at me with his mouth hanging open.

"Thats not true, you already know his feelings for you. Hell, he even told you" Ashton said.

"But, what if he's just saying it? What if he's just using me, like he used other girls in the past?" I asked.

"Laura" Ashton sighed and engulfed me in a hug, "I see the way he looks at you, even a blind man could see it, this isnt pretend, this is real" he stated, holding me an arms length away, staring into my dark eyes.

"How can you be so sure?" I asked, Ashton looked down, sadness taking over his features.

"Just trust me, okay?" He said and I sighed but nodded.


"Just talk to him" he told me, I nodded again. And he left without another word. I layed down again and stared up at the ceiling, why am I doubting his feelings for me again? Oh right, because of Jordan.

Now I was fuming, I allowed Jordan to get to me, im so stupid! I punched the bed and stood up, I was not about to let him ruin my relationship that I have wanted for ages!

I stormed into the living room, all boys heads turned to me but I was only looking at one, Jordan.

"You!" I yelled, charging over to him. He stood up with wide eyes, first thing I did when I reached him, I punched him right on the nose causing blood to trickle down his face, "I hate you! I cant believe I let you get to me, I let you poison my mind! Why can't you just leave me alone?!" Hands grabbed my arms, stopping me from charging at him again, "What is your obsession with me?!" I yelled, tears of frustration falling from my eyes, "I just want to be happy, is that so much to ask?" The tears continued rolling down my cheeks, I was immediately pulled into Luke's chest.

"I think you should leave" Michael growled out towards Jordan. Jordan headed for the door but Luke stopped him.

"And while your at it, find a new job too?" It came out as more as a demand then a suggestion but Jordan left either way. Luke carried me to the sofa and I curled up on his lap, crying into his chest. Man, I really needed to get all of this out. Luke whispered sweet things into my ear as the boys sat down next to him, all of them glancing worriedly at me.

After a few minutes, we were all cuddled up and comfortable on the sofa with the tv on, looks like we're having a movie night.

Half way through, I felt my eyes droop so I buried my face into the crook of Luke's neck and got comfortable, I giggled a little when I saw Calum's head resting on Luke's shoulder and Luke looked rather uncomfortable but didnt complain. So I let sleep take over me.


A groan woke me up next, I slowly opened my eyes to see that Luke has placed me on my bed in my room, and had stubbed his toe on the leg of the bed. A giggle came from me and Luke's head snapped in my direction.

"What are you doing?" I giggled, holding the covers up to my nose to muffle my giggles.

"I was trying to put you to bed with a quiet exit" he groaned, plopping down on the end of the bed by my feet, holding his toe. We stayed in silence for a while, until he looked up at me and gave me a huge smile before we broke into a fit of laughter. He crawled up to my side and led down next to me, we locked gazes.

"I love you..." I whispered, caressing his cheek as I propped up on my elbow to look down at him. He gave me a loving smile.

"I love you too" he murmured and brought his head up to peck my lips, "So much" he kissed me again, but this time his tongue slipped into my mouth and he pushed me gently obto my back, getting on top of me and making himself comfortable between my legs.

"Luke, you've been there a whi-woah!" Calum comes barging in, we pull away but Luke stays where he is, "Im just gonna erm, go..." Calum chuckled nervously and quickly made his exit. Luke looked back over to me and gave me another huge grin, rolling next to me and bringing my head to his chest.

"Night, Luke" I smiled

"Night Laura"

Hey guys! Its been ages since I last updated and im so sorry. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Laura managed to get rid of Jordan, and she's done what I think everyone else has been wanting to do, punched him in the face!

Dont forget to vote and comment xxx

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