Chapter 19 : The Game, Begin !

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Jin ever thought that bad day usually lasts for twenty four hours. He believe in it for the most of times. But why it's longer than it should be? His day just ruined again by the same person. He should do something about her. Or his headache will come over for a whole month!

Jin woke up not because of his will, should he blame his hearing now? He woke up because of too much noise from the next door. From Moonbyul's room to be exact. As long as he remember, she still stay awake until it passed midnight and she unbelievably woke up even before the sun rises!

Crazy, he said so

He doesn't know what she were up to last night. All things that he could hear was 'thump', 'thump' and 'thump' .

"Is that how her feet stomped on the ground?" He thought

"She needs to be taught about how to walk for god sake. She is not like that when she was in Geumsan, but why it become that different when she was here?"

Not to mention about how bad his breakfast, since it become too noisy with her laughter with the handmaids. Oh god, he hate it so much!  Where is the peaceful morning that he usually had?"

Greensys Corporation

Even after he arrived in his office, It's not getting better. Not with Jisoo, not with his mansion and now with his work. After what he found in Hong Kong lately, he found another problem come and hit him. One of his hotel project got delayed again because the owner who technically were inhabitants refuse to give their lands to him.

Jin leans on his chair, think about a probability to solve everything. They already gave them a high offer, and most of them were accepting the idea, what make their decision changed?
He already asked Yoongi to handle it well after he got informed this morning, do everything and try to know about the whole situation.

"Did someone provocating them? Or they really refuse to not cooperating?" Jin thoughts are full with so much probabilities.

He takes his phone and dialling a certain number there,

"Min Yoongi, did you get something?"

"I haven't finished yet, but I'll tell you an information that we got. Yes, they are refuse to give their land. They insisted that the money that we gave as a compensation before wasn't enough compared to a long term implications."

"How much they asked?"

"Two times higher than our first offer"

"They are crazy! You got something else?"

"I'll find out why they decide to change their mind"

"They've sign the agreement though, shit!"

"Calm down, we'll take it and solve it well"

"Tell me if you found a thing later"
"Of course."

Jin almost throws his phone, he tried to keep sane and calm, his temper could be hard to handle sometimes.

"Oh my headache" he thought while massaging his forehead.

It's not that long until his phone rings again. He thought that it would be Yoongi, but his expression changed when he saw the caller id



He doesn't hear anything


"Even though that i knew it beforehand, it still hard for me, jin. I can't accept it." Jisoo finally said and sobbed

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