I cant wait

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Dixies POV:

Tatum texted me, char, and Addi saying she would like to treat us to a prom get ready.

Chase ask charli to prom buy taking her to the movies and then at the end of the credits it's said will you go to prom with me.

And Bryce asked Addi buy making her drink a whole white claw pack by the help of Bryce and when they were done the bottom of the pack said PROM?

You could say we each had different ways of showing are love. Charli had junior prom while the rest of us had senior prom.

Junior prom was a day after the seniors.

We all obviously agrees to tatums offer and she said that we didn't have a choice because she already booked a nail appointment, hair, and dress appointment. She said that she was too excited that we were doing something she did years ago.

So this morning at 7 my alarm went off. I grabbed my phone and turned the alarm to snooze.

7:30 it ringed again and this time I finally got up. I scrolled through Instagram and Tiktok, I anwser messages as well and then I rolled out of bed.

I took a shower, shaved, washed my hair so that I would have natural waves.

After getting out of the shower and quickly wrapping my skin with the plush towel so the cold arm didn't reach my skin.

I opened the bathroom door and the steam followed me into the closet. I put a simple neon orange cropped tank top and some ripped jeans.

I put flats on because I know I'm getting my toes done so I don't want to ruin them by wearing my air forces.

I cleaned my room a bit and then walked downstairs. Charli spent the night at Addis so they would only be waiting on me.

I said bye to my mom before grabbing my granola bar and banana and getting in my car.

I drove to their house and walked it making sure to lock my car door.

I greeted Bryce and chase playing a game on the tv and the girls in the living room.

I told the girls to wait a minute and I ran up the stairs to Noah's room. He was laying in his bed looking at his phone.

When the door opened his eyes went to me and a smile formed in his face. I walked over and kissed him before he said "hi my love what are you doing here"

I put my head to his chest "me and the girls are going to go get prom ready"

He nodded and kissed my forehead "okay love I will see you later right" I nodded and answered "yeah after we have our girls day we are all coming back here but later on tonight we are going to my house so that we can get ready tmr separate from you boys"

"Okay baby I love you have fun" Noah said standing up and kissing me one last time.

"Bye" I said closing the door behind me and walking down the stairs into the kitchen. I told the girls we are all ready to go and we all got into Tatums car and drove to our favorite nail salon.

We got pedicures and then manicures and all got our nails done. Some of ours were kinda matching but not the same.

Then we got in the car and drove to that dress place. We had a whole suite and when we got checked in and sat down a sweet looking lady that seemed like she was in her 50's walked in and greeted all of us.

She pulled out a bunch of prom dresses and let us all look all of us besides Tatum at least picked out 5.

We each tried them on and choose are favorites and narrowness each of them down until we each had only one.

We got the tailored if needed and then left the store with dresses in our hands.

We then drove to the hair salon and sat side by side talking about the the next that was ahead of us.

We also talked to the lady's doing age hair.

I got my hair cut and professionally washed also got with curled. Addi got highlights, washed, and straighten. Charli got her hair washed and cut. Tatum decided she wanted highlights, a wash, and a cut to treat herself.

We then went to Chick-fil-A and ate while laughing and enjoying girl time something that we don't get often.

We then went to the movies and watched the new Suicide Squad we all agreed that this wasn't as good as the first one, but it was good enough for our money.

Then we head back to the house and spend the rest of the day with the boys. Around 8 we got in my car and drove to my house. We greeted my parents they said that dinner was ready whenever we were ready to eat. We all laid blankets down on the living room floor and begin to have the girl talk we have been having all day.

We all fell asleep and I know I went to bed dreaming of prom that would take place tomorrow.

The next chapter is really cute just saying. You will see the dresses and hair in the next chapter but for now you get the nails.

 You will see the dresses and hair in the next chapter but for now you get the nails

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Dixies nails ⬆️

Dixies nails ⬆️

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Addis nails⬆️

Charlis nails⬆️

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Charlis nails⬆️

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