Chapter 26

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You were quickly taken aback by his spur of the moment excitement. "P-paint me!?" You asked dumbfounded. Taking a few steps back. You shook your head in disbelief at the male in front of you. Was he really the same guy who kidnapped you before, you sigh taking a seat on the bed as you placed your head gently on your head. You knew what would have if you disapproved.

With a deep breath, you looked up, "Sure, why don't we add Soo-Min to the painting. Her and I don't have any pictures, painting or anything of us. She barely knows me and this would be a perfect bonding time for you." You stated as you looked over his features and expression, trying to asset the situation.

He cleared his throat as he nodded, quickly leaving the room without and word. You could hear him asking the little girl if she would like another painting of her done. But, with you added to it. Her happy little squeal and the putter patter of her feet running down the hall. "Yes yes yes!!" She squeals happily before launching herself at you.

You huffed, catching the small framed 6 year old in your arms. Turning her around slowly and Ji-sung grabs his essay from another room. He pushed a small, side table, beside him. Placing down the palette of vibrate, neutral and warm colors. He had every color imaginable in a bin on the floor next to him. He gently let the bin go grabbing colors and squeezing the bottle onto the water plate. Grabbing his brush he mixes the color, you felt a cold, and wet feeling on your hand, as he ran the brush in one swift motion.

He stared at your hand grabbing more white and other colors mixing them on your hand. "I know Soo-mins color. But, your skin tone is a bit paler than hers." He said is a low whisper. He smiled in contemptment as he found the right shade. "Don't move." He warns looking at the little girl, who showed the biggest and mischievous grin you have ever seen. You watched as Ji-Sung moved the paint brush swiftly along the not so white canvas.

He glances up every few moments, taking in as much details as he could as Soo-Min beamed and softly danced around in your lap. Her excitement was starting to get too much as Ji-sung calmly spoke, "Be still." He said softly. The child quickly stopped squirming as she held onto you tightly. Turning her head to look at you, her eyes sparkled at you as she begin to grin widely.

After a few hours, Ji-sung shook his arm around. He had finished up Soo-min's part as the child fell asleep in your arms. The sun and gone down, and the moon shines full and brightly through the clear glasses window. He cracks his knuckles, looking up at you for a moment too long before returning the brush against the canvas.

Your arms were becoming numb and sore, the weight of your child, long again heavy. Before you knew it Ji-sung put the brush down and grabbed his phone. "You seem tired. Let me take a photo and I will finish this. Head onto bed and I'll join you shortly." He said snapping a photo before grabbing the little girl and walking out of the room.

You sighed in relief. Wanting to look at the painting, only to notice it was gone. Guessing he didn't want you to see the painting in a unglorified state. You dismiss the thought and walked to the closet opening the sliding doors. Only to see a surprise behind them, you gasped as you saw the old clothes he managed to get you during your last forceful stay.

Gently holding your hand out, running them against the still soft fabric. Only to realize some of the cotton was still stained with your blood. The memories of the kidnapping, rape and abuse began to surface your mind. Fire could be felt from your fingertips as you held onto the green, bloodied shirt. Quickly removing your grip and falling back. You stared in horror as the fabric began to mock you.

Slowly feeling that same fire, guide it's way to your throat before no air could be let out. You whole body shivered and shock as all you could do was stare dumbly inside the closet. Hearing the heavy steps down the hall, you quickly jump to your feet and frantically close the closet door before making your way to the king size bed with silk sheets.

You sit there as Ji-sung enters the room, his cologne shortly reaching your nose. Feeling the weight of his eyes as he begins to stare at you. "Why have you not gotten changed?" He simply asked before opening the closet door and rummaging around, tossing a night gown your way. "You can wear this tonight" He spoke in a deep voice.

You slowly get up, first hesitant about taking your clothes off. Yet, do so knowing what could befall of you refuse. Placing a hand on the bottom of your dress before slowly sliding the cotton of your body, revealing yourself once more to your capture. He smiled softly before walking closer to you, turning your body around. Feeling his muscles pressed against your back and his arms wrapping around you.

His head slowly moved towards your ear as you felt his devious smile, "Good Girl" He growled, once again in that deep, low and teasing voice. You reached out picking up the nightgown, once out of his grasp you rush to put the gown over your almost nude body before sliding into bed. Shortly after, Ji-Sung joined in moving your body closer to his before drifting off into his nightly slumber.

You on the other hand, stayed awake almost all night thinking of your family, the same ones in a panic trying to find you. Except one person, your mother-in-law

You could imagine it now.

Jungkook POV

"She probably ran away from all her responsibility!" His mother spoked looking at Jungkook as he stared out the window longingly looking for his wife.

"She would never leave us. She would never leave Ji-Hu" He almost yelled but stopping himself as he took deep breaths. "He came that night, I know that man has my wife." He growled as his anger began to rise only to be vanquished by the sharp pain in his body. Gripping the painful area he snarled. "I think you should go." He spoke softly.

His mother's face dropped and she begins to shake her head. "I told you she was trouble. She was no longer pure after him." She said.

This was Jungkook snapping point, "Shut the hell up mom. She wasn't pure to begin with!" He yelled before coming back to reality as his eyes widened.

"What are you saying son!?" His mom questioned in shook, "Please tell me you waited for marriage?" She asked as her face goes white.

Jungkook got quiet as he shook his head, "But, that's none of your concern or business." A voice spoke from the other side of the room. There leaned against the door frame was Yoongi. "Oh come on! I mean you even didn't thing to girl was worthy enough. You cheated on her!" She said crossing her arms.

Yoongi glared at her, "I did. I was young, dumb and very naive." He quickly stated as he begins to guide her out the door. "Now I believe your son asked you to leave. Do as he says or you may worsen his condition." He warned as she left the room. He closed the door and shook his head.

"I don't understand why you haven't given up on her and throw her out of your life completely." He said with a roll of his eyes. Jungkook sighed and didn't say anything as a nurse walked in. She handing him a glass of water and his daily medicine for pain.

Jungkook turned to look back out the window as he frowns. "Please be ok" he said softly.

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